Thursday, August 6, 2015

Open source software to make Windows more friendly … 10 – Nikopik (Blog)

It was the biggest controversy at the launch of Windows 10: Microsoft’s latest operating system collects a lot of information about you and your habits, transferred regularly to the Redmond company for analysis.

Although some sites have already released comprehensive tutorials on how to disable these features one by one surveillance, it remains a long and tedious process, and not necessarily within the reach of everyone. But here is an open source software that will make Windows 10 more respectful of your privacy in a much more simple way.

Disable Tracking Tool Windows is a software whose sources are available to all. This makes it possible for developers to determine what this application to ensure that it turns out all the tracking features of Windows 10, not that it diverts this information to send it to another server …

Very simple to use, you simply download the software, make a right click on the file and selecting Run.exe the Run as administrator.

 The Windows 10 Disable Tracking Tool software figcaption" wp-caption-text "> The Windows 10 software Tracking Tool Disable

You then choose the services you want to disable, and then you click on the Private Go!

The application runs, it displays the actions carried out, and you are now protected for monitoring Microsoft

Of course, this does not address the inherent problem of using a proprietary operating system in which it is highly likely that a backdoor exists so you can still be spied. If you need a real sophisticated level of security, consider using Linux Tails (the recommended distribution by the famous Edward Snowden) as Windows 10. This will be much the only way to hope to benefit from a real protection of your life Private

It is also noted that if Windows 10 wipes to launch a lot of criticism about the data that the operating system harvest, Windows 8 already was collecting almost the same kind of data for the same kind use:. know your habits to offer more relevant products and services, or sell this information to advertisers

So Many users of Windows 8 has been their privacy touted for years without they even be in the previews. This means if monitoring is tucked into the manners, and how today it is difficult to detect in everyday life.



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