Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Dexpot, free software to improve office management … – Nikopik (Blog)

Finally: Microsoft decided to add the functionality to create virtual desktops on the latest version of Windows, Windows 10. This is a feature that it should for ages on GNU / Linux, and can be extremely convenient to work if you use your computer for several uses in parallel (for office, video editing, blogging, etc …).

Unfortunately, the Windows 10 virtual desktops are still too summary: no dedicated shortcut keys, very few possibilities of configuration or customization, you can not display a different wallpaper for each virtual desktop … But Dexpot is the kind of free software that could save the day if you want to you to virtual desktops

Available free for download, Dexpot you can to create up to 20 virtual desktops and configured to ensure you can move from one office to another using the means you want (shortcut in the taskbar shortcut, etc …).

It is even possible to assign a specific resolution at a desk, or even to protect access with a password, things impossible with the standard module virtual office management of Microsoft.

The Ultimate is the possibility of displaying a 3D cube during transitions between each virtual desktop, which does not make you more productive, but that offers a sacred look to your environment work when you change the virtual desktop.

Dexpot is therefore a real fixture in the world of software allowing you to increase productivity with your computer. Dedicate an office in each specific task, and get a work environment that prevents you from being distracted by software or unnecessary functions. Its free and its advanced configuration options, make it a must for sure will improve the use of your computer if you are currently on the Windows operating system.


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