Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Digital: a Nantes software “predicted” the needs of customers … – University of Nantes

Tell me what you buy, I’ll tell you what you need. Duke team (Knowledge User Data) of the Computer Science Laboratory of Nantes-Atlantique (LINA / University of Nantes-CNRS-Ecole des Mines de Nantes) will soon offer a software solution for companies to “predict” more effective behavior their customers, and thus better meet their expectations.

More concretely, the software developed by the Nantes laboratory will extract relevant knowledge from data (or data) and analyzed more effectively. “The aim is to offer companies a powerful tool for decision support” says Philippe Leray, researcher at the Laboratory of Computer Nantes Atlantique (LINA) and coordinator of the platform PILGRIM (Probabilistic Graphical Models and Relational). “For businesses, including e-commerce, the software will allow for example to assess customer risk more effectively or allow to recommend certain products based on that of a particular buyer we know.”

In developing this software, the research team Duke (Data User Knowledge), specializing in the exploitation and manipulation of data for several years, was based on the data of enterprises ( relational databases) and computer models (relational Bayesian networks) typically used for tasks such as classification, recommendation and of course predictive analysis. “Today, very little software on the market use this type of model from the data” says Philippe Leray. “Our goal was therefore to propose an original solution for handling these probabilistic models, but by integrating recent algorithms and our own contributions developed in the laboratory.” still under development in Nantes the software platform will soon be available to businesses in the form of “bricks” that they can incorporate into their own solutions. “The platform is not a key software in hand, but a set of usable features” says Philippe Leray.

  • The operation of ” data “: expertise Nantes

The development of this innovative software solution is based on know-how well Nantes after the Laboratory of Computer Nantes Atlantique (LINA). Specialized for long in the software factory and use the data, the LINA leads indeed for many years a strong political recovery and does not hesitate to regularly available to the scientific community of software development tools (see also ). “The development of this platform allowed for several years to factor a number of tools between PhD students of the team. The platform is thus enriched algorithms. It is this base that has provided us structure necessary for the project “ says Philippe Leray.

  • The University of Nantes: a leader in digital on its territory

This success story also echoes the research policy of the University of Nantes which the digital one of its major development Research-Training-Innovation (RFI). With more than 450 researchers and 3,000 students (1,200 graduates per year), Nantes University is indeed a key player in today’s digital Nantes on its territory. “The cross-fertilization of the academic world with the digital sector is a major challenge to experiment with the University of Tomorrow” says Francky Trichet, Digital vice president of the University of Nantes.

The development of PILGRIM platform was accompanied by technology transfer acceleration company (SATT) Western Valuation



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