Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Survey of Lenovo computers with software Superfish – Reuters

(Reuters) – The prosecutor of Connecticut announced Monday the opening of an investigation on sales by Lenovo Group of laptop computers with software Superfish, which, in the opinion of Washington, makes machines vulnerable to computer intrusions.

The prosecutor said that the Attorney General George Jepsen last week sent letters to Lenovo, the world’s largest PC maker, and software designer Superfish for information, particularly claiming the contracts and emails related to their association.

The following information which the software pre-installed is tracking research and navigation of the user on the Web for advertising purposes are “alarming revelations” suggesting that Lenovo was “seriously undermine security and discretion online users computers, “Jepsen wrote in his letter of 27 February.

Lenovo spokesman said the company had seen the mail Jepsen and “cooperate in responding accordingly.” Superfish has not received the mail account but fully cooperate with the investigation, according to the email from a spokesperson.

Other regional prosecutors could review the case. A North Carolina prosecutor’s spokesman said it was concerned and was closely following the situation.

(Jim Finkel and Karen Freifeld, Wilfrid Exbrayat for the French service)

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