Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Cécile Duflot “The Manuel Valls software is out of date” – The World

Le Monde | • Updated | Interview by

Cécile Duflot to the Assembly in November.

Following the county, the EELV MP for Paris Cécile Duflot called Hollande to consider the message of the election and “change model” .

How do you analyze the defeat of the Left in the county?

V th Republic entered terminal. There is a worsening of the distance between the elites and the people. There is a polarization between a straight extrémisée – no more than a sheet of blotting paper between Nicolas Sarkozy and Marine Le Pen – and a weakened left. One year after the slap of Municipal, the same policy was accelerated. It is again penalized. The cape was chosen by the government and the manner of exercising authority are the two factors for the failure.

Manuel Valls said he did not intend to change Cape …

The determination is a quality, but stubbornness may be a fault. Today we must rebuild hope. This requires a willingness and commitment. Today, we do not ask the partners to come together, but to line. Historically, the right can be satisfied with a militarization around a strong man but the left, she needs a unifying project.

Manuel Valls can not embody this gathering?

The wants it? The accentuation of inequalities, territorial and social as well as ecological crisis seem to be blind spots of his thought. It has the high and mighty, but where are the results? Its objectives, namely to reduce the National Front, improve the score of the left, and reduce unemployment, are not met today. Its software is out of date.

You were in Tunis on Sunday with François Hollande. You find it more receptive to your arguments?

I told him what I repeat incessantly. We need a paradigm shift to find the path to prosperity without growth and democratic overhaul – with proportional – to restore confidence. The discussion continues with the President of the Republic, in whose election environmentalists have contributed. I will never tire of trying to convince. Things are never frozen. And as an ecologist I know that we can not waste time. The climate conference at the end of the year is a historic opportunity to change the course of our societies.

According to the executive, the county prove that there has no “feel” left …

There are clearly the desire of another policy. There is a need for alternative and cultural reconquest. Ecology must be at the heart of this new policy provides forge. That is why we must work to a new citizens force capable of upsetting the landscape. We must also remember that what allowed us to win elections, is unity in diversity, fair rally around a shared project. I do not believe in the war of the left, and I’m ready to rally, but I do not believe that modernity, whether to abdicate on each of the social benefits and have a conservative project.

How do you respond to the call of Jean-Luc Mélenchon to an alliance left without PS?

I hear what says Jean-Luc, but errs on the fact prioritize the fight between two left. What priority is to build hope around a project, not in opposition to each other. The environmentalists project does not fit in the old storage, it is more or less left it even exceeds the left-right divide on certain topics.

You see frequently slingers …

We share many analyzes of the political failure of the quinquennium. I read their text on a new contract of government, it is strongly fed ecology.

Will you attend pro-environmentalists Netherlands, April 4, EELV threatening a split?

When you want to get together and we talk about split, there is something contradictory. For my part, I want to bring together environmentalists in fact not in the newspaper. This is our anchor sustainable interests me no classified dummy squabbles. Environmentalists have resented this division image.

Emmanuelle Cosse, national secretary of EELV will, too, presents …

I do not have judgments to bear on what Emmanuelle Cosse.

Will you be a candidate in the regional?

It is not my intention. In 2010, we had lists of environmentalists in the first round and a real gathering of momentum that has kept almost all regions. We will offer the citizens movements a real project ecological transformation in areas that create jobs and tackle the daily challenges. In regions where the FN will be strong, we can intelligently manage these situations, but the rally is not decreed, it is built with respect.


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