Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Launching the Open Source School, College for … – ZDNet France

 The open source solutions integrator Smile and EPSI IT engineering school, announce the creation of the Open Source School (OSS), “the first school of higher education and continuing training in the open source” . This school will receive, as part of the Future Investments Program (AIP), an aid of 1.4 million euros from the government, according to the press release “confirms its will to support the sector now free software booming. “

The school is supported by the National Council of Free Software (CNLL) and professionals of the sector, with” a dual purpose of initial training and continuing education for adults. “

500 students in initial training in 2019

Initial training 100% free software relies on the repository blocks skills of EPSI, alternately, accessible post-grad . 2 and sanctioned by a level of Title I RNCP

+ 5 tray program is offered in six campuses in Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Montpellier, Nantes, from September 2016, and in Paris – in the capital, said OSS me, “training has started in September 2015 as an option on the training base of the EPSI”.

The initial training “is provided by a dozen teachers per campus, faculty and professional experts in their fields in business. ” Continuing education is offered by certified trainers, “experts in their field, trained in pedagogy. 100% short courses are conducted by professionals in the open source industry.”

The objectives of the Open Source School are:

– in initial training, 70 students in September 2016, 500 students in September 2019;

– continuing education, 2,000 days trainees soon 2016.

The alternation can be done “in the many companies that use open source solutions and need associated skills.” It “will obviously be in one of the 300 member companies CNLL” such as Smile, SensioLabs, Jahia, Red Hat, Talend, Alter Way, Akeneo, Abilian, OW2 Open Wide, Acquia. “75% of teaching OSS is worn by professionals, which guarantees a training phase with market expectations,” said Gregory Bécue, managing partner of Smile group and project leader.

Help for five years

The assistance of € 1.4 million will extend over five years, from 2015 to 2019. “The investment is oriented pedagogy and course material of creation:

  • design of modules and programs;
  • Training of trainers;
  • create a platform e open source learning;
  • creation of online course (MOOC)
  • rooms dedicated / hardware / video recording;
  • laboratory dedicated to research applications practical business of open source
  • creating an open source chair that will focus on the use of open source service companies and technology users “
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    Open source plaintiff pros and graduates

    Its initiators emphasize that “the chain of free software weighs more than 4 billion euros in turnover France [CAP study, Ed], representing more than 50,000 employees, distributed in large companies but also across the whole territory in a network of 400 SOHO / SME / ETI specialist. With annual growth of over 10%, open source lack of professionals and experts graduates in specific skills in free software. Each year, an estimated 4,000 the number of professionals needed for French companies to meet new needs for expertise open source. “

    Marc Palazon, president of Smile Group, observes that” open source growing over 10% a year, five times faster than conventional computers, there are thousands of jobs that are missing each year. It was urgent to act especially when we compare the tensions of our sector and mass unemployment which unfortunately affects our country. As the first employer in the sector [Editor's note: the group says have over 1,000 employees in 9 countries]., Smile had to bring this important project that will benefit all of the free software ecosystem ”

    Read also

    The free software, a response to the digital transformation – November 18, 2015

    Open source express: Alter Way, Pivotal, Open Wide, EnterpriseDB – October 30, 2015

    Tribune: the ecosystem of free software in France faces three major challenges, Stefane Fermigier – October 31, 2014

    “We have to teach free software in France,” argues a platform – October 21, 2012


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