Friday, February 5, 2016

ARGONAY Gnùbila sells its software for the creation of the brain … – Le Dauphiné Libéré

David Manset’s a balancing in the middle of the datas. This geek, built for the dress of the boss, juggle the computer data of a sensitive nature, laws and ethical rules of the biomedical world. His thesis, conducted at CERN, already was “to demonstrate that we can share respecting the anonymity in creating databases.” Today is the essence of its products developed by SMEs, Argonay.

His FedEhr software makes medical records “anonymous”, to share and integrate them in a huge database secure international data. Thus, scientists have therefore provided a sample to conduct studies and clinical trials. Oncology, neurosciences, epidemiological research …

This year, the founder and director of Gnùbila won the Grail: the software basis for the Human Brain Project. A neuroscientist gigantic project, led by the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne, to simulate the entire human brain. A kind of artificial brain, or rather virtual, in an attempt to unravel the mysterious mechanisms of our thinking machine. The project, over 10 years, weighs 1.19 billion, and integrates neuroscience, computer science and medicine. In short, a nice business card for the Haute-Savoie SMEs.

A technology deployed in 27 hospitals in Europe

The 37-year Argonaute the software was delivered in December. “After the test period, it will be deployed from March at participating hospitals of the 28 Member States as well as in a hospital in Israel. Ultimately, researchers at Human Brain Project covet same data, anonymous, a hundred schools, “explains the entrepreneur, who says that in time the market is several hundred thousand euros . All will be interconnected to form the massive database, but each will retain the ability to cut the tap. This is where lies the key to success of Gnùbila. If one of them disconnects, his “patient records” disappear from the base. “If the cloud does not pierce in France, it is because the hospital does not want to get its data. Hence the emergence of the private cloud. “

Human Brain Project he has already ordered an extension of the software to be updated with the future European directive on this delicate subject. If the anonymizer is upstream, privacy firewall will lock the downstream data. In this picture, a score of studies, mobilizing European and American hospitals have already been conducted through FedEhr software. And success, major advances have resulted in breast cancer screening, or in the manufacture of stents (or springs) for children with heart defects. If the universe of David Manset is now the white coats, the technology adapts to other areas. It already has in mind the intelligence

. Creator and publisher of specialized software
protect sensitive data in the
field of health
CREATION November 2007
TURNOVER: € 500 000 in 2015
wORKFORCE: five employees, the team is doubled depending on the activity
OWNERSHIP: Oyauri holding (85%) and David Manset


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