Paris: panic Scenes after a false alarm – 20 minutes – Slideshow

20 Minutes to agency

The list of rumors and other fakes, created from scratch and traveling at great speed ” V “on the web after the attacks of November 13 is already long. And on Monday, another “hoax” airs this time via SMS, email or by copying and pasting on Facebook and Twitter. The message in question is the following:

& gt; & gt; Read here: Attacks in Paris: Firecrackers, hoaxes and rumors … What could those who maintain psychosis

False sources and misspellings

s’ Yet this is a false warning. In no way this information was “confirmed” by Europe 1. There exists no trace on the website of the radio or on its Facebook or Twitter accounts.

The message also provides quote “service cyber crime of the French Ministry of Defence.” But the famous “service” does not exist, notes Le Parisien who contacted the press service of the Ministry. Finally, misspellings, typographical and conjugation eventually prove the improbability of this alert.

A good practice guide was published by the government

So what is this “hoax” that had already appeared in the wake of the attacks of January. If Hoaxbuster according to the site, it is absolutely not possible to install a virus by recording an image (jpeg, png, gif) on your hard drive, such email can indeed hide a “malware” (malicious software) can pollute your computer. However, it can not “arise” if you click on the image, what then launched a video and a pop-up window prompts you to click “OK”.

Note that in an attempt to counter such misinformation and prevent their spread, a good conduct guide was published by the government: #MSGU or practice of Social Media in emergency management.