Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Idrissa Papis Ndiaye, engineer: The designer of a multi software … – The Sun

Engineer in telecommunication, Idrissa said Papis Ndiaye has designed several software. Among these innovations, figure the software that facilitates both enrollment management, presence and absence lists, accounts, notes, homework, among others. This is a multiple-purpose software made freely available to the Senegalese education system. Paradoxically its utilization rate remains low.

We should not expect everything from the state. This is what Idrissa Papis Ndiaye design engineer advises all and especially to the young in search of employment. This young out of the cycle in electronic engineering and telecommunications University Gaston Berger of Saint-Louis in 2013 opted for self-employment. When one receives training on the technical disciplines, we have more confidence. The inclusion in the public service is not an end in itself for graduates from engineering courses. This young Senegalese designed a school management software (from elementary to higher through the secondary schools). “It is a software that manages enrollment, assessment notes, the attendance and absences, and financial management. There are interfaces at each level of responsibility. The director or the principal or supervisor who can get the idea across, that is to say have the right to access to all interfaces, “said Papis Ndiaye. He set free this innovation available to institutions that wish to use it. Despite this facility, the penetration rate is still low. For the designer the first question, it is not open to change, low computer literacy of some actors of the educational system. For him, this is not the usefulness of creation that is called into question. “This is a free software that we put at the service of education. It is used in some establishments. But for use on a larger scale, it is necessary to train users, “says the designer. It states, in return establishments are called occasionally to bear the maintenance costs.
Idrissa Papis Ndiaye dream job creation. For him, it is also possible to move towards paperless management of educational institutions. Which could help to process information. He mentions, among others, the loss of the notes, the confusion in the report notes.

Sacrifices and patiently
It intends to use the pool of information and communications technology (ICT). He set up a small business. He works with other young Senegalese who have decided to take their destiny in hand. “In the field of ICT, things are moving at lightning speed. It takes a lot of sacrifices to get above the rest. For this it is necessary to be patient and creative, “advises the engineer who designed other specific accounting management software to the hardware store and catering. The former student of Ufr of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science (MMcf) of the UGB has already offered its services to institutions instead. The software user manual for the education system is available on the website www.sen-solutions-tic.com. The policy of the engineer recalls in many ways extracts the inaugural speech of the 35th President of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who proclaimed: “You like me, are Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, but ask yourself what you can do for your country. “

At the heart of the new Trades Tic
The developer has embarked on entrepreneurship without embody the ideals of the capitalists. The profit is not a goal at home. Sharing knowledge and expertise overrides other considerations.
It does not veil the face. It’s not easy to pull out of the game in an industry in constant evolution. So, Papis account on his commitment and his skills to get by. To arrive there, the developer received his primary education at the elementary school St. Germaine Thies and Lycée Saint Gabriel of the capital of the rail. In 2008, he earned his Bachelor S1 series. Between 2008 and 2010, he studied at the Mpi Ufr of the LSU before joining the University of the same engineering cycle. It has a wide range of skills in the field of ICT. He has knowledge in the field of data center deployment of data networks, enterprise telephony (IP-PABX, Asterisk) and biosafety. It installs CCTV systems. The engineer is the page of the new emerging professions in the Tic sector. Like many computer scientists, engineers and developers, Idrissa Papis Ndiaye think it is urgent to create the conditions for optimum use of opportunities offered by Tic.

Idrissa SANE

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