Friday, November 13, 2015

Volkswagen scandal: the software manufacturer had warned the … –

According to the German newspaper Wirtschafts Woche , an employee of the Copyright Society of fraudulent software would have informed the European Commission of cheating in 2011. This new information is against the remarks made by Joanna Szychowska, Head of Unit in the Directorate General Internal Market, Industry, SMEs and entrepreneurship European Commission on the occasion of French Senate roundtable in mid-October.

The Commission has noted the concerns in 2011 through the work of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and immediately set up a working group, then explained Joanna Szychowska . But we never came across any trace of fraud among any manufacturer. We simply said that it was not excluded that the gap between testing and actually be due to a defeat device

MEP Karima Delli (EELV – Fr)., these developments reinforce the need to establish a Commission of Inquiry to the European Parliament. Following an initial request submitted October 27, the EELV group had not received the support of other parties. “ The Inquiry becomes an absolute emergency and the main political groups can not put our heads in the sand, says MEP . It is crucial that the Commissioner [to Current industry] Bienkowska and former Commissioner Antonio Tajani industry are publicly accountable to the European Parliament . “

Article published November 13, 2015


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