Monday, November 23, 2015

Software industry and fall in outsourcing, … By Arnaud –

Large digital channels are hardware manufacturers, telecom operators and the software industry. The first two have operated a succession of molts as technology trends that have emerged over the years. The third, that of the software industry, still works today with the processes and methods that are decades old, which is less and less accepted by the principals that are the clients of this economy.

According to the Syntec Numérique, first professional union of the French digital ecosystem, the three dominant players in the software industry are the ESN or Services Businesses Digital, formerly called “SSII” Software publishers Web companies. For these three actors, the problem is always the same: how to create software more quickly and cost
 It is clear that the solution hardly be found. For years, production methods (often outsourced) or innovative tools like the famous “software forge” were tested without end customers will see in effect on their bills or turnaround times. Worse, it is even the level of correlation between the demand of these customers and the finished product which declined with the arrival of these “innovations”.

The advent of cloud and the emergence of the movement DevOps

The advent of Cloud is the result of a cross shot from different sources: the latent desire to modernize software development, consideration – at last – the customer in developing the same software, the generalization of methods known as “agile” development, the provision of platforms and technologies “on demand” and above all, the emergence of a movement born in 2009 and reached its apogee in 2015: the DevOps movement

“Dev” for “Developers” and “Ops” to “Operational”.. The first mission is to create new software or new applications. The second role is to ensure that existing software and applications are continuously maintained in operational conditions, ie they work simply.

Throughout history, these two functions inherent in the software industry were clearly opposed. Developers appearing in the eyes of business like young fools parasitizing information systems with non-maintainable applications. Operational appearing in the eyes of developers like old fossil hermetic to any form of news and always hindering the integration of new technologies.

The aim of DevOps is to bring these two worlds that do not talk by offering tools that everyone can understand and in which they find everything that lack them today. The developer will be released from the constraints of execution of software environments that develops and operational will be able to welcome with confidence the new applications as they will be passed by a process he has built himself and which he will have confidence. These two worlds are thus becoming completely open-plan and magic can even see mixed teams work on the same project, which was completely ruled there was not so long

The Paas.: impacts on productivity and cost

There could not have DevOps Cloud Computing. Cloud That leads us to believe that it is a recent technology while in looking more closely, the Cloud is:
 a data storage side and application hosting (IaaS) (OVH, ASP Server and consors did that very well 15 years ago!), on the other, the provision of software on business internet (SaaS): is not this is called a web application simply

No, these are not the IaaS or SaaS that are now cloud Computing takes everything off. Rather, it is the third classification of cloud that allows it, the middle one, which allows you to run software on SaaS IaaS infrastructure: it is called the PaaS or Platform as a Service

. PaaS is a direct consequence of DevOps. This is the world that did not exist before and in which software developers (SaaS) and managers of infrastructure (IaaS) work together. PaaS is the tools that developers have built and operational for the entire software industry is gaining in productivity and quality. This PaaS today can make substantial savings on development costs as well as time-to-market. This is what PaaS which clearly call into question the ambitions of relocation that could have some major digital players such as NSE in particular. PaaS could, in all sector studies (IDC, Gartner, Forrester) to reduce by 30% the time to market of software, down more than 25% of CIOs budget, to provide quality and higher robustness and finally to foster innovation and creativity.

The operation of a PaaS

For the Industry software, critical data, it is time. It determines the project budget. To win on this budget, we reduced the time or we reduce the cost of time.

The time is the workload in man / day at which the time-related processes is added (methods Merise, UML and agile). The workload is incompressible, it is a fact. So if we want to reduce the time, we must find new faster methods.

The cost is salaries “men”. Making develop software in France or Europe in general is expensive because of the labor costs. Do in a country in Eastern Europe or North Africa, it is 30% cheaper (this is called the “near-shore”). Do China, India or Vietnam, it is 50% cheaper (this is called “off-shore”).

Until now, IT projects were all made using traditional methods such Merise, UML or Scrum, time consuming. The only lever to reduce the overall cost was therefore to seek the cheapest labor, even to confront other problems (language, culture, time, labor law, labor law …).

Many digital companies there are tried and many have returned because they have lost a lot of money. Really a lot of money. It seems that we prefer to pay more but be sure to deliver applications meet customer demand on time. Today finding may be that it is not possible to make savings on IT projects and therefore still need for customers simply carry out only those which have priority, without addition of innovation?

Driving innovation and creativity

Today, with PaaS, we have a tool that makes us save time, not on the development of load (incompressible) but on the process. This saving can be 30%, which places it at the same level as the near-shore. No need to relocate in Eastern Europe or North Africa. And there or before the offshore dividing the budget by two with all the associated risks, it does smaller than 28% the overall cost compared to the cost of a project built on PaaS. The risk of offshore so more is not worth the effort.

This is where PaaS helps fight against offshoring and thus encourages innovation and creativity. This is not a process of evolution, it is a revolution that is underway and will upset the balance of this aging software industry, as shown by the current agitation of the “majors” like IBM, Microsoft and Oracle that have all three knelt before the Docker troublemaker, pure product of DevOps movement, which will finally allow the completion of the largest Utopia World Computer: the interoperability of systems and applications


By the way: Docker was born in a basement and French Docker became an American gem, unfortunately, lack of blue-white-red funders. Please, ladies and gentlemen prestigious tricolor funds, do not leave from the next Frenchies who have a great idea

 Treeptik is an innovative information technology consulting founded in 2011 and based in Aix en Provence. She edits the 1erPaaS Java Open Source: CloudUnit. After the Pole R & amp; D of the company, the platform allows to deploy applications in the cloud, on mobile or connected objects, without worrying about compatibility (Windows, Android, iOS, Linux …)
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 Its open source version of its Java expertise and offering tailored to small and medium enterprises CloudUnit make it unique in the PaaS market alongside major market players such as IBMBluemix, Oracle Cloud and Red Hat OpenShift. Treeptik is currently looking for funding: a levy of € 2.6 million fund is planned for early 2016.


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