Thursday, June 4, 2015

Skype: an update deployed to fix the bug characters – Clubic

  A very restrictive bug has raged within the Skype Software: the character string “http: //:” planted the service on multiple platforms on which it is proposed. Developers have responded quickly and deployed a fix

Updated:. Skype announced on Twitter Wednesday night have deployed a fix for the problem. If your software or your application does not update automatically, please visit the corresponding applications market, or on the Skype website in the case of the Windows version.

Initial release:. June 3 at 13:04

If you Distrust use Skype on Windows, Android or iOS: receiving a message containing the string “http: //:” planted the software, and prevents reuse it later, leading to a closing loop of the program. The sender is affected as much as the recipient, which should cut the urge to make jokes to his contacts.

Posted on Skype forums, the bug is currently being addressed by developers . “ we are aware of the problem and are working to resolve the ” has said a spokesman for disgruntled users

Meanwhile, it is strongly recommended to avoid share these characters on Skype. The Mac and Windows versions 8 program are spared by the problem. Two solutions are currently used to work around the problem: the sender can remove it if he can. Otherwise, install an earlier version of Skype, which is not affected by the bug. An almost impossible approach on Android and iOS, where the proposed versions of the apps markets are always the latest.

This is the second time in days that a mailer is affected by this bug Type: last week, it’s a sequence of characters capable of planting an iPhone via a simple SMS that was talked about. A concern that Apple has not yet fixed.


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