Saturday, June 20, 2015

Oreka Solutions Bagnols DEM wants to deploy its software More … – Midi Libre

DF, in 2010 decided to initiate a renovation operation, called “Grand Shroud” of its nuclear plants to be sure of its reliability in the long term, up to 60 years. Oreka Solutions launches a new version of its software, DEM Plus, to simulate 3D, renovation operations of these plants.

The start-up created Oreka Solutions in 2010 and located in Bagnols, was founded in 20101 by Luc Ardelier, its current director. Headquartered in Bagnols, its main activities in the nuclear field be it consulting, training, technical and economic studies, the project management assistance without forgetting publishing software.

This young company which currently employs twelve people who until then with its DEM software Plus was the market for decommissioning of nuclear facilities both in France and in the world would not miss the renovation of reactors . Tuesday, June 9, in Paris, she presented DEM Plus for nuclear to the press.

The operator selects or develops the scenario that suits him best

A renovation that passes through outage which is the operator for a lack of production. During these stops, Oreka Solutions can then be modeled in 3D the type of installation. With its software, from technical, radiological but also financial data, the start-up can provide several scenarios to the operator. To him then to choose or develop the scenario that works best for them.

Due to the complexity of projects as in the construction of nuclear facilities, decommissioning or refurbishment n ‘ were not taken into account, the risk of exceeding budgets and deadlines are not negligible. More precisely DEM improves and better optimize these same sites, upstream.

Luc Ardelier is international and does not hesitate to be present in many shows, like last February in Phoenix , at the Waste Management Symposium. The Director of the startup bagnolaise expresses its willingness to deploy its software “in the medium term in the fields of aeronautics, chemistry and even the offshore oil and gas platforms.”

Implicitly, Oreka Solutions currently employs twelve people could “end of 2015, recruit two or three employees.” His manager, looking to 2016 does not exclude recruit that year “four to ten people.”

In the meantime, on Friday, July 3, at hotel Le Corbusier in Marseille, Luc Ardelier will present the new version of DEM More adapted to maintenance and refit.


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