Sunday, June 14, 2015

Handicap. Near Caen, he developed software for use … – Normandy-news

 The software allows people XE9 disability & #; es to use a computer without assistance (Photo: Fotolia: tashatuvango) The software allows people with disabilities to use a computer without assistance. (Photo: Fotolia: tashatuvango)

In recent years, the company Starnav , based in Chicheboville , near Caen (Calvados) is developing software that allows disabled people to use a computer … no hands! Launched seven years, the software Headpilot continues to develop to provide accessibility of computer and Internet.

The head as a Mouse

“This is a program that simply installs on computers. It detects images captured from a camera integrated or basic webcam, and detects head movements, “explains Pierre Bouchard, company engineer for Starnav . The user can move the mouse with simple movements, from left to right, the cursor also capturing the speed of the movement, while ensuring stability for clicks. The sensitivity to motion can be adjusted depending on the speed of the movement.

We can do whatever we can achieve with a mouse, but with the head. “

While this software for computer use are already in circulation, the company has the particularity to offer a software “without infrared or electrode paste on his face to be detected.”

astral referred to helping disabled

This product is on marketing for four years, and downloadable from the company website. This activity is developed in parallel with the core competence of the company: the astral sight. “We work on computational geometry data from the stars, the moon and even now. “An activity which will allow the company to soon come to the Paris Air Show, with the regional delegation of the sector Normandy Aerospace .

Improving the daily life of disabled

However, developing Headpilot is a highlight for this company is continuing its research to improve the lives of disabled people. “Some licenses were sold to individuals and we do more communication for the new version, released in the summer of 2014, the Headpilot online ” explains Georges Lamy au Rousseau, founder engineer Starnav .

It operates on a different principle and allows businesses or communities to make available their website by installing a plug-in for disabled people. The use of this application is then free for users but can only be used on sites where it is installed.

This application is particularly accessible on websites such as the one City Chicheboville, or those of the Region Basse-Normandie and Calvados. “It is also present on the sites Normandie Internet incubation , or one of the Miriade . We are currently in discussion to Caen, Caen and Urban-la-Mer. “The hope of the engineers Starnav is to see in the future web sites become widely accessible to disabled people, providing them the comfort of independence.


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