Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Ausy, new sponsor of the course “Software Engineer” ISEP – Info DSI

Monday, June 22, 2015

ISEP announced that the consulting group and Ausy engineering is the new sponsor of its course “Software Engineer” that forms Isepiens to the design and development of innovative software and applications over the last two years of engineering studies. This route forms over the last two years of engineering studies, students from ISEP in the design and development of innovative software and applications. Ausy accompany students who will follow throughout their course.

“It’s the computer intelligence working in the software field with all that that requires in terms of modeling, design, development and project management tools and methods that the course is aimed -and many of our students have this type of intelligence which explains its success “indicates Dieudonné Abboud, Director of teaching of ISEP. Ausy, with a strong culture of innovation and school partner for over 10 years, has chosen to support the development of this course through sponsorship.

Ausy enthusiastically renewed its partnership with the ISEP registered this year and the exchange of knowledge over time, “ says Didier Lichtensteger, Director of Communications and Human Resources at Ausy. In this perspective The company will propose topics end of term projects as well as student internships, learning and employment. Throughout the year, the consulting and engineering company will host thematic conferences and an elective course on the topic of digital (Drupal, mobility, ecommerce) to complement and illustrate the teaching of “software engineer course . ” The sponsorship starts this year with a first stage of presentation the students 1st year of engineering studies (which will have to choose among the 9 courses offered by the school) and will run until 2020.


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