Sunday, December 6, 2015

Pediatric cardiac surgery: first European in Toulouse … – Our Time

Three children were recently operated successfully closed heart, a first in Europe, through the use of “EchoNavigator” a new 3D visualization software, Has said Sunday with Professor Philippe Acar, head of the medical team of children Pole Toulouse University Hospital.

This 3D navigation system is already being used at Henri Mondor Hospital in Créteil (Val de Marne) and in some hospitals European but only for “adults and for other indications,” said AFP cardiologist and pediatrician, confirming information daily Le Parisien.

This system aims to facilitate transactions percutaneously, ie through a vein and consequently avoid open-heart surgery for children victims of malformations.

The software, developed with Philips, allows display on the same screen and in 3D ultrasound of the heart of the child and the X-rays when doctors introduce the probe with which they proceed to repair heart defects, explained the manager.

This new technology tested in Toulouse is part of a European project, said Professor Acar. In two years forty children will thus benefit from a transaction with the help of this software the use of which will then be extended to all hospitals.

“We must demonstrate that it provides real help to surgeons,” said the cardiologist and pediatrician.

Nellie, 5, was the first to benefit from this girl apparatus. She suffered an intraventricular hole, requiring a very delicate operation. “And this system has really helped us,” said Professor Acar.

A boy of 6 years then had the procedure. Finally a little girl of 9 years was made to a miscommunication between his ear.

“There are only 72 hours of hospitalization and the child leaves no scar,” said the teacher.


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