Friday, December 11, 2015

Facial recognition software called Russia the best of … – Sputnik France


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The Russian startup N-Tech.Lab has won the world championship of facial recognition Benchmark Megaface organized by the University of Washington.

The Russian Facen software, created by the Russian programmers has exceeded over 100 competing software, including FaceNet created by Google, who finished 2nd overall reports the site quoted by What They Say About USA. An algorithm proposed by scientists from Peking University was the third in the competition.

Founded in 2015, N-Tech.Lab created a unique algorithm based on technology artificial neural networks (based on the principle of operation and organization of biological neural networks), which enables to recognize all the characteristics of a human face.

The experts agreed that the Russian software is the most accurate among the systems created for the foundation of more than a million photos. The accuracy gained by the Russian software reached 73.3%.

According to N-Tech.Lab, it was very difficult to develop facial recognition technology can identify a large number of individual characteristics, independently of the camera angle, illumination, expression and face of the picture quality. The software must process a large amount of data in a short time on condition of computer resources of the failure.

“At the moment we are planning to create a number of products based on mass our technology and attract investors for the development of our society, “said the founder of N-Tech.Lab, Kukharenko Artem.

He said the startup could include launching a dating service for people to find someone with particular features.

According M.Kukharenko, facial recognition technology can also be used to identify the suspects or who are wanted by the police.

The software can also be used at border controls to detect persons banned from entering the country or for instance at sports and cultural events where the system can monitor the fans and analyze the situation.

“These new technologies are already being successfully implemented in the field of business analysis, because they help protect users against bank fraud. Neural networks are a new way to solve problems too difficult for older technologies. Their utility will increase dramatically, “said the entrepreneur.

N-Tech.Lab deals with the development and implementation of artificial intelligence algorithms to based artificial neural networks.

Benchmark Megaface international competition, organized by the University of Washington, was launched last fall. More than 100 teams in the world participated in the competition. The event was sponsored by Samsung and Google.


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