Thursday, December 10, 2015

Hitek> Computer> Earn money by denouncing a … –

The copyright is a thorny issue. We all know the problems linked to it for music, movies, series, but also for software. Remember, downloading is wrong. If you have some money worries, a company offers a small amount of money against termination of a business that would violate the law.

This strange initiative, called No Piracy , is the result of BSA, The Software Alliance. This is a grouping of software company such as Microsoft, Apple, Intel and Adobe . This association has aims to fight against software counterfeiting . For this, it asks for a little help, and in return you can earn money.

At first, the offer may sound very interesting and lucrative. Depending on conditions of use, can bring a denunciation between $ 5000 and $ 1 million ! Roger Correa, Coordinating Director for America, says of 2014 about 1000 reports were rewarded for a sum of $ 250,000. Not bad for some info. Only you are not guaranteed to receive your reward .



Start saving for the weekend. Report unlicensed software. Get paid.”


It is hoped that it leave a good feeling but do not expect to make a fortune either . According to the Coordinating Director for America, for a report is accompanied by an award, s company will pay a minimum of $ 10,000 .

Given the scale with a $ 10,000 fine, Your payment should not exceed $ 2,500 . Owl is not it? Except that with the privacy policy of the association, we do not know the penalty / reward ratio . So you better target the big boxes that precisely the means to pay for licenses. You see the problem?

The BSA is not a legal entity. It should therefore take the matter to court. Yet it it already happened that deale directly with the undertaking concerned . And, besides nauseating method which offers money against denunciations. An advertisement made it through social network.

In 2014, the association had published a report stating that 43% of computers worldwide were using pirated versions of various software . A rate that drops to 36% in France but still representing a lost 2.6 billion euros . All thanks to the calculations do not take into account, among other things, the use of free software.


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