Thursday, December 31, 2015

Ian Murdock, the pillar of free software, has died – Liberation

Ian Murdock, respected figure in the free software community, died Monday in San Francisco (California), announced the site Docker, the start-up working where this native of Constance, Germany. Murdock, 42, was known for creating in 1993 the free operating system Debian, one of the earliest and best-known Linux distributions. “Ian Murdock was a friend. I am shocked and saddened “, wrote on Twitter Jim Zemlin, director of the Linux Foundation, which Murdock was chief technology officer (CTO) between 2005 and 2007.

” Debian would become the universal operating system around the world, running on all machines, from embedded systems to the space station, “, says a tribute post published on the official website of Debian. “Ian had focused on creating a distribution and a community culture that would take the right decisions both from the ethical point of view and from a technical perspective. Post only when it’s ready and firm position of the project on software freedom are the golden rules in the world of free software and open source. “

The text mentions “the utmost discretion during these difficult times” desired by the family of Ian Murdock. Beyond the pain of the relatives, that discretion can be explained by the particular circumstances surrounding the death of Murdock: shortly before his death, he announced on Twitter his intention to end his life, explaining his decision a series of altercations with police in San Francisco – his Twitter account has since been deleted, but an archive of his last tweets is available here (pdf). Among his few 4400 subscribers, many thought, moreover, that his account had been hacked in the hours before his death.

 Capturing xe9 & #; a notch updates from Ian Murdock, whose Twitter account has since & # xe9 ; t & # xe9; deleted & # xe9 ;.

Declaring he was beaten by security forces at the point of having to have stitches, Murdock stated in his tweets have been indicted for violence on a police officer, to the point of bail of 25,000 dollars to be paid to avoid jail space. Police violence in the United States are the subject of several other messages. “Maybe my suicide, that of a recognized businessman, not a NEGRO, draw a little attention to this very serious problem” , it said in a tweet.

“The police have no education, are malicious and sadistic. Do not trust them doing “. Asked yesterday by the site Venturebeat, San Francisco police had no information as to the cause of death of Ian Murdock.

Alexandre Hervaud


Ian Murdock, the pillar of free software, has died – Liberation

Ian Murdock, respected figure in the free software community, died Monday in San Francisco (California), announced the site Docker, the start-up working where this native of Constance, Germany. Murdock, 42, was known for creating in 1993 the free operating system Debian, one of the earliest and best-known Linux distributions. “Ian Murdock was a friend. I am shocked and saddened “, wrote on Twitter Jim Zemlin, director of the Linux Foundation, which Murdock was chief technology officer (CTO) between 2005 and 2007.

” Debian would become the universal operating system around the world, running on all machines, from embedded systems to the space station, “, says a tribute post published on the official website of Debian. “Ian had focused on creating a distribution and a community culture that would take the right decisions both from the ethical point of view and from a technical perspective. Post only when it’s ready and firm position of the project on software freedom are the golden rules in the world of free software and open source. “

The text mentions “the utmost discretion during these difficult times” desired by the family of Ian Murdock. Beyond the pain of the relatives, that discretion can be explained by the particular circumstances surrounding the death of Murdock: shortly before his death, he announced on Twitter his intention to end his life, explaining his decision a series of altercations with police in San Francisco – his Twitter account has since been deleted, but an archive of his last tweets is available here (pdf). Among his few 4400 subscribers, many thought, moreover, that his account had been hacked in the hours before his death.

 Capturing xe9 & #; a notch updates from Ian Murdock, whose Twitter account has since & # xe9 ; t & # xe9; deleted & # xe9 ;.

Declaring he was beaten by security forces at the point of having to have stitches, Murdock stated in his tweets have been indicted for violence on a police officer, to the point of bail of 25,000 dollars to be paid to avoid jail space. Police violence in the United States are the subject of several other messages. “Maybe my suicide, that of a recognized businessman, not a NEGRO, draw a little attention to this very serious problem” , it said in a tweet.

“The police have no education, are malicious and sadistic. Do not trust them doing “. Asked yesterday by the site Venturebeat, San Francisco police had no information as to the cause of death of Ian Murdock.

Alexandre Hervaud


Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Architect Software Start-Up Lyon Symfony H / F –

-> logo-def-ul-fondblanc.jpg

  • Company:

  • Position:

    Software Architect Symfony Start-Up Lyon M / F

  • Location:


  • Type:


  • Compensation: from 40.000 to 60.000


Founded in 2011, this start-up Lyonnaise specializes in document dematerialization. . In full acceleration phase, the company seeks to structure its technical team by recruiting a Software Architect

In direct relation with the CTO, in a technical team of 10, your main responsibilities are:

Think, designer and evolve the platform architecture
To be the technical reference for
team Guiding the team to good practices
Use different mode application service
Managing migration of platforms to Symfony 2.
Imagining the call center solution architecting and related application and CRM.

Environment Technical:

PHP5, Drupal, Symfony 2
Database: MySQL, NoSQL (MongoDB)
Search Engine: ElasticSearch
Methodology: Agile, Scrum
> Integration continues: GitLab, Behat Jenkins
Deployment: Ansible
Stability & amp; Performance: RabbitMQ


Bac +5 in computer
5 years experience in PHP Symfony
Having participate in missions of architectures technological migration.
You know the Agile and Scrum
You are loved proposal forces and technology watch.
You master complementary technologies like MongoDB / ElasticSearch / RabbitMQ …

You want to take part in an innovative project in an atmosphere Start Up and family? Do not hesitate, apply !!!!

How to apply

To apply, send your CV to

Sector: Development. Types: Employee. Keywords: architect, development, developer, computer, and symfony symfony 2. Salary: 40.000 to 60.000. Offer expires in 60 days .

“The information collected is subject to a treatment designed to recruitment FrenchWeb on suitable and to offer you similar jobs. The data recipient is the issuer of the advertisement and the editor FrenchWeb: ADSVARK SAS with a capital of 75 192 euros, 55 rue de Bretagne 75003 Paris. In accordance with the “computer and freedoms” of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004, you have the right to access and rectify information concerning you, which you can exercise by contacting the issuer of the listing and ADSVARK SAS with a capital of 75 192 euros, 55 rue de Bretagne 75003 Paris. You can also, for legitimate reasons, oppose the processing of data. “


Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Android.Spywaller spyware uses a legitimate firewall … –

Although there are families of malware that will hardly be a threat to a global level, it s’ sometimes be interesting to read the new techniques that have been used by the authors of some of them. One of the most recent cases is presented by Symantec has discovered a family of malware attacking Android users in China and they called Android.Spywaller.

The initial behavior of the malware is similar to many other mobile threats. In an attempt to cover his tracks, he will use an icon he will call “Google Services” although Symantec notes that “the official Google services like Google Play are not available” and therefore “by posing as Google services, software prompts users to download in China “.

During infection, via disable360Network () method, the malware will search if mobile security Qihoo 360, which is very popular in China, is installed on the compromised device. In the case where it is installed, the application will get the unique identifier (UID).
Thereafter, the malware will start execution of the called firewall DroidWall, which is used on Android devices Rootes to filter applications can have access to the internet or not and the type of authorized access (Wi-Fi or mobile data). The malware will use it to create to block Qihoo 360 using its UID. Symantec says that the Chinese market is known to have a high proportion of Rootes devices, which increases the risk of infection by malware in general.

“DroidWall was developed by Rodrigo Rosauro as an open source application which the objective was to help users protect their devices. The application was sold to AVAST in 2011 and its source code is still easily obtained on Google Code and Github. Cyber ​​security, the border between offense and defense can be very thin, “says the security specialist explains that” the example of this malware reveals another piece of history: in the wrong hands, some tools Security can be used to compromise the security of the user. ”

The software will attempt exfiltration of a wide range of sensitive data: in addition to personally identifiable information (PPI) such as call log, GPS readings, Internet navigation data , emails, pictures, SMS messages or contact list, it also collects data on third-party communications applications like BlackBerry Messenger, Oovoo, Coco, QQ, SinaWeibo, Skype, Talkbox, TencentWeibo, Voxer, WeChat, WhatsApp and Zello.

For security specialist, “the long list of data collected by this malware placed among the most comprehensive spyware that we found.” He argues later that “despite the fact that infection numbers are relatively low, this threat remains remarkable because it illustrates another example of use of legitimate tools for malicious purposes by malware authors.”

Source: Symantec

See also:

 Ramnit surfaced less than a year after the Europol offensive against its servers control, a first for a banking botnet as IBM

The hidden face of torrent sites: a study examines the statistics on the distribution of malware on these types of platforms


Monday, December 28, 2015

How to change policy software after installing the CTM? – Martinique first

Territorial Authority of Martinique

  • Jean-Marc Party
  • Published 12/28/2015 | 3:10 p.m., updated 12.28.2015 | 3:10 p.m.

She Just A victorious unexpected electoral alliance of local elections augur the redefinition of our political landscape? Answers.

The reconstruction announced the political landscape after the first territorial elections that Martinique is coming will she good place? Several factors support the thesis of an overhaul of the boundaries between political currents. However, some believe that the unexpected result of this electoral sequence is a phenomenon without consequence.
The skepticism about a renovation of our political system feeds on our usual fatalism about the behavior of our citizens. In summary, “gran van, ti kout baton” . In French: “all for that.” Once extinguished the passions of the election campaign and killed conferences clamor, the routine will take over. Namely, the usual verbal confrontations and ongoing competition between political apparatuses from the perspective of the forthcoming elections, although 2016 will be a blank year in this regard. Our politicians would not escape through his and his routine.

The perplexity is proportional to the surprise created by the alliance between the two competing ideals diametrically opposed. An unlikely scenario become the prosaic reality we have to accustom ourselves. The parliamentary term contract signed by Alfred Marie-Jeanne and Yan Monplaisir fits “ beyond political and ideological cleavages in a humanistic perspective.” It is motivated by their concern for “ grasp with lucidity and determination” the opportunity to “ define an innovative response framework based on partnership” . Optimism is essential.
Yet beyond speeches, they were innovative, the actors in the political scene arranged in December 2015 will be expected to implement new practices. Change your way of thinking is a prerequisite. We take the way. Changing behavior falls within the ongoing challenge. The site is open.


Sunday, December 27, 2015

How to take control of a Mac remotely without third-party software – Numerama

Did you know that messages concealed a remote takeover functionality of the computer of one of your contacts? A little trick that allows you to uninstall any third party software that clone the native functionality.

This is a feature Apple . It is roughly simple to use, ergonomic and exceed at will pretty much everything that competition … except that at least stumble on it, you’d never guess that she is there. Take the distance from a screen to control your family is particularly useful, especially when you need to troubleshoot. And yes, we know that you spend at least one weekend a month.

Well aware that Mac to Mac, it is possible to take computer remote control of the someone close without installing any software. The excellent TeamViewer is already past the trash.

  • Open the Messages application
  • Find the contact you want to take control of the computer
  • Press “details” in the upper right and click the two small rectangles

 Screen shot 2015-12-22 at 22.08. 27

  • A request will be sent to the contact that will only have to accept it. You will then observation mode of the screen. You simply click on the small arrow at the top left to take the mouse control.
  • There you go. Note that with the same process, a contact may ask you assistance and offer to take control of the screen.

 Screenshot 2015-12-22 at 6.22.40

In practice, the takeover is immediate and keyboard shortcuts to work. It’s like you’re on the Mac of your contact, no more and no less

Photo credit of one. Image Catalog

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Is the software architect too disconnected from the development? –

very often hear seniors developers complain about the options selected by the architect in their projects. These complaints are often surface when the developer is faced with a major difficulty esteem due to architectural choices.
When satisfied that the architecture is inadequate restraint with developments in demand in the Project one is entitled to ask questions about the legitimacy of the architect.
If the risk was foreseeable, then it is obvious that there was a hole in the paint during the design of the architecture. But how to correct this problem?

To overcome this lack of competence detrimental to the project, a response would be to advise the architect to involve the developer to choose the software solution. Unfortunately, for reasons of cost as well as planning, this solution is not ideal. Indeed, the choice of architecture is often done before the project enters really in the development phase or even before it decided whether the project would be realized or not.

 Then remains as a direct solution first approach than requiring a master architect of the development and its problems.

Another solution would be to provide flexibility in achieving design process by making a quick stop after a first phase of development to validate the architecture chosen developers. It has also increasingly often use prototypes serving Proof Of Concept for architecture, on large projects. However, even for this type of project, the architect must have a culture of sufficient development to dialogue constructively with the developer. The architect must have also thought architecture generically enough to fit in the project.

But now we are interested in why the architect does not always have this knowledge development.

 Firstly because the qualifying course to become an architect does not necessarily goes through a developer station on the technologies on which it operates. Indeed, some developers on “non-web” technologies have taken refuge in architecture to avoid facing web frameworks (notably JEE) they left the youngest.

 But also because the trades of the architectural design and development are sometimes completely exclusive of each other. This is particularly the case of projects which are the subject of public procurement, for which there is a AMOA (Material mastery Assistance) facing the business and functional, but who designs the architecture of the target and SI EOM (mastery of work) that realizes the software. And these two entities (white collar and blue collar workers) are not known for their ability to communicate for the good of the project.

Do you?

At Home How do they live together architects and developers?


Saturday, December 26, 2015

Silicon Valley software consumes storage with Minio, Flashgrid … – Silicon

In Silicon Valley, storage software especially takes gaits following the trends of the SDS (Software Defined Storage) and storage virtualization. On the menu, more or less technical solutions positioned on market segments more or less wide: Cloud storage with Minio, virtualization NVMe SSD with FlashGrid, through the total storage virtualization with Primary Data.



Friday, December 25, 2015

This software knows if you lie – Sciences et Avenir

DOUBT. Imagine you are interrogated. You do not perhaps realize, but you tend to look your interviewer in the eye right. You also shake both hands simultaneously. And you pretty nod. Not to mention the grimaces, occasionally, disfigure your face. Know this, if all this, you are not guilty of something, you’ll at least suspect. And not need a lie detector to the former connected to your pulse. It took was a camera and software to give rise to doubt

Elocution, gestures and facial movements are analyzed

Four researchers from the University of Michigan, the United States, have indeed developed a prototype supposed to allow, over time, to determine whether someone is lying or telling the truth, simply scrutinizing his speech, his gestures and facial movements. The program is under the technique of machine learning , that it learns by analyzing a set of data and improves its efficiency As he analyzes new data.

BAD LIARS. In this case, the software was trained with 120 authentic videos filmed trial verdict with known (and which are not judicial errors!) and for which we know who lied and who told the truth during the hearing. The advantage of the process? Avoid having to recreate a false position in laboratory trials where a speaker would pretend to lie. Researchers estimate that in this type of context, “liars” play too bad lie because it lacks the inherent motivation at trial: save himself

The videos used show both suspects and! witnesses and, in half the selected cases, people were lying. Researchers fully transcribed hearings by including hesitations and onomatopoeia (the “uh” and “bah”), to determine how to express a liar, what are his mannerisms. Ditto for the gesture, divided into nine categories of head movements, eye, mouth, hands and eyebrows, each corresponding to a level lie.

These are all parameters that have been integrated software. It shows that the speaker set is a sign of probable lie (70% liars did, against 60% who were telling the truth). Shake hands well (40% against 25%), as if twisting the facial features (30% against 10%) (see details of the criteria here).

THERMAL IMAGING. The first results are promising as the team claims to have achieved efficiency rates of 75% device. Research is however not complete because should soon include other parameters such as heart rate or that of respiration, there also data remotely sensed by thermal imaging.


Thursday, December 24, 2015

Gilles Kepel: “Jihadism Software changed” – Le Monde

Le Monde | • Updated | Interview by

midlle East specialist and Professor at the Paris Institute of Political Studies (IEP) Gilles Kepel poses on January 24, 2012 in Paris . Kepel Will release a book on Islam in Paris' surburbs, after-Spending one year in Clichy-sous-Bois and Montfermeil, Where the values ​​of Islam, he Said, replace step-by-step the republican values. AFP PHOTO JOEL SAGET / AFP / JOEL SAGET

The political scientist Gilles Kepel, a specialist in Middle East and the Islam in France, author of Terror in France. Genesis of the French jihad (Gallimard), analyzes the evolution of French jihadist movements over the last ten years.

that jihad was long claimed was imported La France. You prefer to speak with a French jihad. What characterizes it?

In the decade 2005-2015, a French born in France jihad, without anyone noticing until the case Merah [seven people murdered in March 2012, in Toulouse and Montauban], which many believed it was an isolated act. What happens in 2005, it is the conjunction of two phenomena: on one hand, the emergence of the third generation of global jihadism, with the publication on the Internet, the book of Abu Musab al-Suri Call for Global Islamic Resistance , the other suburban riots in France, which will give birth to the third generation of Islam in France. A priori the two phenomena are not related, but wait …

The first generation of jihad will Afghanistan in 1979, where the mujahideen drove the Red Army in Algeria in 1997, where Jihadists fail because they have tackled stronger than them and that the use of hyperviolence the Armed Islamic Group (GIA) prepare the population against him. The second generation, that of Bin Laden, considers it necessary to move from the near enemy to the far enemy, the West: it is September 11, 2001, operation …


Hyatt: another hotel chain making targeted by software … – Next INpact

The Hyatt hotel chain has announced having discovered malware in its payment system. It is now eradicated, but the extent of damage is unknown. Hyatt is just the latest in a long list of hotels whose safety has been undermined.

While the history of backdoor in the firewall Juniper is not yet completed, a new computer security case dates back to the surface. The Hyatt hotel chain has indeed officially announce the “ found malware on the computers that manage payment systems .”

The group gives no further information on the ins and outs of this story, nor on the number of potentially affected customers or the stolen data. It is simply asking customers to scrutinize their bank statements carefully to check that no suspicious transactions have been performed.

Of course, added Hyatt have taken steps to strengthen its computer security (particularly with Using a company specializing in this area) and indicates that now his “ customers can confidently use of payment cards at Hyatt hotels worldwide .”

But we must also remember that this breach of security of a hotel is only the latest in a long series for 2015. Indeed, there is just one month, it was the Hilton chain which announced having discovered malware in some payment terminals. On his blog, Krebs draws up a list of hotels with sad faces a significant dent in their IT security in 2015: Starwood, Mandarin Oriental, White Lodgging and Trump Collection.

Sébastien Gavois

Sébastien Gavois

Journalist, never far from an internet connection. Storage specialist in all its forms and PDF decryption of mobile operators.


Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Malware spotted by Hyatt –

The US hotel group Hyatt Hotels has identified “recently” a malicious computer program on computers used for the payment management system for several of its sites, has he said on Wednesday.

He added in a brief statement it had immediately launched an investigation, which is still ongoing, having hired by cyber security experts and have “taken steps to strengthen the security of its systems.”

warned Clients

“Consumers can be confident when they use credit cards in Hyatt hotels worldwide,” said the group, which nevertheless encourages customers to closely monitor their Payments by card readings and prevent their bank if they spot suspicious transactions.

Hyatt does not detail how and when the malware could have possibly been used by hackers.

Its competitors Starwood (owner among others of Le Méridien and Sheraton chains) and Hilton had announced last month have also been subject to cyber attacks designed to steal banking data of their customers. The pirates had in both cases installed malware into the computer system of the groups.

(afp / nxp)

(Created: 12/24/2015, 1:05)
