Friday, August 21, 2015

Safely copy and deploys the software without paying –

What the social security deficit is not a secret, but it is also not a reason for pirating software. Or that’s what she did. At least that is a bit complicated and we will explain. It would seem that it would not have paid for the rights to use software that has yet deployed nationally … in August, 2015.


A call for tender for regional CPAM Yvelines

It all began in 2012 when the start-up specializing in IT CRM Company wins a tender for the CPAM Yvelines according EconomieMatin unveiling of this quack Safely. CRM Company therefore creates an online health coaching software for the Regional Fund and until then all is well

Subsequently, however, the going gets tough. Software developed for the CPAM Yvelines by CRM Company begin to multiply and be used in other regional CPAM … until the month of August 2015 when the CNAM, the National Health Insurance Fund, deploys the online coaching software at national level. The contract had yet been spent for the CPAM of Yvelines.

40 million euros of damages and interest

Deploy software that has not paid the fees it’s called … piracy! Just like when copying a CD or a film. Except that it’s worse: it is a net shortfall for CRM Company which is, moreover, a French company (if it had been Swedish problem would be the same though)

So, not surprisingly, all will end up in court and the CNAM just may have to pay damages related to its piracy. Approximately 40 million euros according to information from EconomieMatin

The Department of Health and even the Elysee have seized of the matter. They ask the Safely to reach an amicable agreement with CRM Company so that it does not condemned by justice.


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