Monday, August 24, 2015

Promine, strong resources software –

Promine used to plan blasting or drilling, for example, and to create or organize geological models. It is mainly used in the field of underground mines.

“Our software will eg read data created from drill core and recreate these boreholes in three dimensions. We can then visualize ore grades and rock types along the hole, depending on the depth, “says Yvan Dionne, President of Promine.

Geology module also evaluates the amount of ore present in the analyzed basement, and the value of it.

The other major module software, the mining engineering, allows for example to plan the drilling or blasting, the . surveying and development of galleries

For now, Promine is sold as software with an annual license for a maximum number of users – for example, from one to five or six ten. From 1 January 2016, however, the formula should change.

“per user licensing is done, says Yvan Dionne. It will be less burdensome for our customers. “

interface side, Promine integrates with AutoCAD. This is somehow an extension module. This is a way to unusual, since most of the geology and mine planning software are autonomous, that is to say they work for themselves, without the need of a third-party software which will be grafted.

The approach of the Quebec developer has several advantages, he said. “First, AutoCAD already offers drawing tools and annotations to print, says Yvan Dionne. It is preferred to create a software that can use these features rather than develop everything from scratch. It allows us to offer Promine at cheaper prices. “

Next, the learning curve is gentler for new users, since they do not have to relearn a new interface. It must be said that AutoCAD is already used in all engineering fields.

Many Canadian universities and colleges introduce their students to Promine because it is widely used in industry mining. In North America, Latin America and Africa, more than a thousand users use the software developed in Quebec City.

The company’s customers include giants such as Goldcorp, Capstone Mining, IAMGOLD and De Beers.

Promine was also used to do surveying, mapping and modeling of diamond drilling the Opinaca Mine, east of James Bay. It came into production this year.

“This is the largest underground gold mine in Canada, says Yvan Dionne. From the beginning, officials decided to use Promine “

in figures Promine

Number of employees:. 14

Turnover (2014): 1,400,000

Founded in: 1993

Number of clients (mining and consultants): 70

Number of users: 1000 industry professionals

Proportion customer located in Quebec: 25%

Percentage of customers located in North America (Canada, USA, Mexico): 75 %

How mining specialists they Promine integrate software in their work? Donald Laroche, mining engineer, explains the common tasks that the software allows it to achieve, mapping the subsurface to the extraction of ore.

“At first, we make drilling on the ground, “he said.

Geologists then analyze the data collected in carrots and produce a geological outline, a map that traces the boundaries of different rock layers and indicates where the ore found in the ground.

“With this information, it is then able to use Promine to a 3D drawing railings and galleries, that is to say the tunnel, which must be constructed to be able to pick up the ore, “says Donald Laroche.

The next step is to plan how sequence tunnels will be dug and enter the information into the software. Promine also facilitates the planning of blasting operations.

“With the software, you can draw plans to illustrate which must be placed the explosives.”

The information in hand, miners in the field are able to know how to do the blasting. They then settled explosive charge, break up the rock and déblaient tunnels.

“Then, surveyors return to the mine and make a statement of new galleries and ramps, says Donald Laroche. With Promine, so we can now draw the mine maps to find out where we are rendered by the original plan. “

The software also facilitates certain tasks that must be accomplished to comply with Québec regulations the mining area.

In Quebec, the legislation is particularly severe in regard to the characteristics of the plans that we must give to the heads of field operations. Some information must navigate such as dimensions galleries or retaining type in tunnels.

“Not all software that can perform this type of plan, but allows the Promine do easily. “


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