Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Internet: spyware hits the Landes – South West


the request of the gendarmerie group of Landes, the Landes Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) has put online this week on its website a warning against Dridex a “malware (or malicious software) very active since June and July 2015 on the French network.”

Like most Web traps it takes the form of a simple email with an attachment (see elsewhere). If the recipient opens it, the rogue computer can access without him noticing all their computer data (customer files, passwords, keys secure bank transfers, etc.). And prepare for his theft distance …

Current surveys

Grenade-sur-l’Adour as elsewhere, there has been enough of a mouse click to an honest Landes entrepreneur finds himself like a rat. In late July, the Grenadois, already the victim of an attempted computer fraud there two years (stopped in time by his bank) says, flabbergasted, that “a six-figure transfer” was made from the account his company (1).

This order refers to a bank control equipment in Germany which he obviously has never heard. After the cold sweat, he alerts his bank and file a complaint at the nearest brigades community.

According to the first elements of the investigation carried out by the Criminal Investigation Brigade, the manager Grenadois whose computer was seized for expertise would have been the victim of Dridex, trojan undetectable by current anti-virus that primarily targets banking data. “It is indeed a first for our department, but it is a national problem, even international,” says the captain of gendarmerie, Olivier Ferrier.

This time, delivery the order placed previously diverted with copies of the logo and the corporate buffer Landes would return to Russia.

But whether misuse of funds to offshore havens or companies tax, or is matter of fraudulent purchases of goods, as is the case here, investigators still the greatest difficulty in the world to locate the crooks of the Net.

Rotating Places

When trying to go back to the sender of the spyware or to the person who performs these hacks, they identify the most of IP addresses (computers registrations) rotating. Not only as a result of the struggle is difficult and costly. More importantly, it “requires close relations with the countries hosting this form of increasingly problematic organized crime,” says Ferrier captain.

In his misfortune, the Landes victim, “agrees testify to avoid that others will be caught “but” not anxious that the matter gets out too many, “he seems to react early enough to get his money (he thanks on that understanding the German supplier and his bank). The police investigation does allow for as many question the 2.0 thief?

In all likelihood, all Landes items followed by Mons prosecutor should join a Parisian central office specialized in these new forms of crime. With the hope to one day be a big kick in the web.

(1) In addition to anonymity, the victim, still shaken, declined to enter further into the details of the scam.


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