Monday, August 3, 2015

Nokia sold his Here mapping software to builders … – Le Vif

The digitization is a great subject for the future in the automotive sector. Autonomous cars, capable of running automatically, require very specific roadmaps to control traffic. Here to play a “key role in the digital revolution in mobility,” said the boss of BMW Harald Krüger.

Here, heir to the American company Navteq acquired by Nokia in 2008 to 8.1 billion dollars, is a direct competitor to Google Maps. Use plans rather than Google allows transmit any data to the US Internet giant.

In mid-April, at the same time as the merger agreement with Alcatel-Lucent, Nokia announced consider the sale of Here.

The former number one mobile phone wants to focus on network equipment and works in his return to the notebook market which he left in 2013. The Finnish company said that this sale would bring him a net gain of just over 2.5 billion euros.

Among the other contenders repurchase Here was Uber, American platform booking transport vehicles with driver (VTC), which affirmed the New York Times in early May, had submitted an offer of $ 3 billion.

Here is a very low awareness among the general public but has a strong customer portfolio industry or internet.

It boasts four fifths integrated GPS plans to cars sold in Europe and North America, and provides big names such as Facebook or Amazon.



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