Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The father of free software will save democracy … eradicating … – South West

D e visit to Quebec, Richard Stallman did not go with the back of spoon at the time to raise the social network Facebook. Questioned by Le Devoir, the famous American programmer, including the creator of GNU / Linux operating system, has launched “Facebook should be removed to protect privacy”

Facebook, a “space. hindering freedom “

the man believes in one mode or the computer occupies a more predominant, monitoring privacy exerted through social networks is a dangerous obstacle to the freedom of individuals : “without this privacy, without the ability to communicate and exchange without supervision, democracy can not continue,” he says

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© Photo Archives Cottereau Fabien

Regarding Facebook, Richard Stallman assures that the social network “more uses its users that its users will use it. (.. .) This is a service perfectly calculated to extract and collect a lot of data on people’s lives . This is a constraint space profile and profile individuals, which hinders their freedom, which inevitably causes a loss of control over aspects of everyday life that is expressed in this place. “

According to the activist computer, social and political consequences may not be as deleterious medium to long term. “ Companies subject people to these products make a lot of money , money they use to amplify social inertia that blocks all the exits,” he said.

a call to governments

Another concern, the negative influence of these networks on governments: “ a public computer in the interest of the people is not a computers whose control is in the hands of private companies that grow on their secret computer codes. “

” the proprietary software monitors users, decides what can with or do not, contain universal backdoors that allow changes remotely by the owner, impose censorship. When used, it is necessarily up under the influence of the company that sells it. “

to avoid this submission, Richard Stallman calls on governments to respond: “ governments have an important role to play to combat these injustices in escaping from privateurs frameworks in which they placed “, he said.

” the school system, too, must contribute by not imposing the dependence of students to private computer entities. It should teach only free software . This is the only way to collectively regain lost freedom and regain control over activities that we have now and already escaped. “


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