Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Blog: Ghost as it offers software for computers – MacGeneration

Blog: Ghost offers also software for computers

Nicolas Furno | | 5:30 p.m. | 0

Since November, WordPress offers a cross-platform software to read and especially write content on sites that use the engine. One possibility associated with the creation of a new administration interface in JavaScript, called Calypso, and a wrapper that allows to easily create an OS X software, Windows and Linux (read: WordPress is considering his future without PHP).

The Ghost blog engine has followed this route and offers turn software for computers, regardless of the operating system. We can get the current version on GitHub, where the software is being developed: the current beta is also not complete and could count bugs.

The application of Ghost here on Windows 10 in the foreground and OS X in the background, shows the blog engine administrative interface. - Click to enlarge
Application of Ghost here on Windows 10 to the forefront and OS X in the background, shows the blog engine administrative interface. – Click to enlarge

Compared to WordPress, the software for Ghost was much simpler to create, since the engine was already written in JavaScript. This is the same wrapper (Electron) which is used in both cases, which is not a bad choice: it is developed by GitHub for many years and has proven . Better, one of the leading developers of Ghost Desktop is one of the leaders of developing Electron … which is why the project has advanced rapidly.

On his computer, this software allows you to write new articles and edit existing, but also to change its settings, or its websites. We find in fact the whole of Directors Ghost interface, but without opening the browser. Note that you can manage multiple blogs in parallel and we go from one to the other

 on the left side, the list of sites associated with the account of the user.
on the left side, the list of sites associated with the account of the user.

remember that this blog engine can be installed on its own server for free (you need a server with Node.JS). If desired, you can use the turnkey offering of Ghost designers: around $ 10 per month minimum (or $ 96 per year)


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