Sunday, January 3, 2016

Heritage: urban planning Exchange software –

It moves in the field of urban planning in the city center. The streets of Heritage will no longer governed by the rule of ZPPAUP but by another device. 2016 is a key year.

Protection of the Architectural Heritage Zone, urban and landscape or ZPPAUP. Another acronym impervious to ordinary mortals. Since 1993 in France and since the era of the socialist mayor Alain Veyret, this regulation was the table of the law in the field of urban planning for the renovation, maintenance of buildings and the granting of work permits and another building permit.

Hello AVAP

It’s over soon. Exit ZPPAUP, hello AVAP, Aire valuation of architecture and heritage, and “Mr. urbanism” of Dionis team, Jean Pinasseau, sees only good. At the time alderman in opposition, he voted against “not because I was opposed but because ZPPAUP introduced a concept of totality. It was a protective cover on urban renewal for example. The entire area was treated in the same way. The principle of AVAP the contrary valuation “.

State of Play” not fixed “

He became deputy Jean Dionis in 2014, Jean Pinasseau questioned this organization Administrative wealth management. The first step was to conduct a “parcels study” with a different color for each piece of the puzzle in the city center. “This method allows to make a diagnosis but the ranking does not happen only by type. It also takes into account the frame of the state “.

This new state of affairs can also be challenged, changed. “It is not static, it is a document produced to last for years.” A bible urbanism whose pages are all written to nowhere else. A regulation is being drafted.

A “police”

“Planning policy” will aim “to ensure compliance with the rules, and building permits Works”. And Jean Pinasseau taking selected examples: “No matter the form of allowing PVC windows Fallières Armand-up, or elevator on the facade of St. Caprais cathedral”

For the. elected the AVAP, where he chairs the technical committee, “allows flexibility without any help. It does not prevent modern buildings. The mind is really that of an easement in the public interest because we can not allow to degrade the city’s heritage. ” In the basket of benefits, the link made with local or inter Plans (PLU, plui), the possibility of thinking renewable energy (photovoltaic arrival for instance) and flexibility of the current situation “that can evolve over time” .

This new way of urban planning of the city center, however, must overcome a series of administrative steps, including a public inquiry. The coming year will be that this public consultation, regulatory adjustments. The approval of AVAP project is expected in early 2017.


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