Monday, January 18, 2016

Fronde at the Tours CHRU against software – Le Figaro

The sling is growing at University Hospital of Tours against a new digital dictation software and voice recognition, the adoption of which would result in the deletion of 150 medical secretary positions by 2018, announced Monday the Inter CHRU.

Thirty percent of the workforce of medical secretariats of the Tours University Hospital will be affected according to the CGT union, SUD, FO, CFDT and CFTC, which delivered a petition of more than a thousand signatures to the management of the public hospital Tours to denounce the establishment of DICT software provided by the company Anticyclone. Only the CFE-CGC was not associated with this process.

The University Hospital is investing 1.5 million euros in this software which, among other things, automatically transform text letters and accounts -rendus dictated by doctors. Its deployment has just begun and should last for 18 months, until mid-2017, said the leadership of the University Hospital, which expect the secretaries dedicated to the reception of patients.

” There will be job cuts, since we must make savings. But no layoffs, “assured Richard Dalmasso, associate director of University Hospital. The hospital relies on retirements and new assignments after a training plan. “There will be social case. As in all hospitals, an employee in five contract at the Tours University Hospital. The secretaries will contract thanked” laments Florence Hatchet, the union SUD Health.


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