Saturday, March 28, 2015

The creator of an open source medical imaging distinguished by the FSF – ZDNet France

 Sébastien Jodogne

Sébastien Jodogne the award at MIT Photo FSF under CC by-sa

medical imaging engineer at the University Hospital of Liège (Belgium), Sébastien Jodogne received the award for the Advancement of Free Software (Award for the Advancement of Free Software). He was awarded by the Free Software Foundation (FSF) at a ceremony in Boston, MIT, March 21.

This award presented annually by FSF distinguished “an individual who has made a great contribution to the progress and development of free softw, through activities in accordance with the spirit of free software, “says the foundation.

Facilitate exchange of medical imaging

Orthanc project (site, Twitter) – the software takes its name from a tower in “The Lord of the Rings” Tolkien – Sebastien Jodogne worth its price, began in 2011 at the University Hospital (CHU) Liège. RTBF reports:

“This access free software was developed to facilitate the exchange of medical imaging between the different services of the same hospital, but also from one hospital to another. It comes in the form of an interface containing all the scanners, radios, MRI, etc. of a patient, viewable in 3D.

Tools in this area already existed but are extremely expensive and much less efficient qu’Orthanc. This software and therefore meets a real need of hospitals, at a time when the imaging flows are ever more numerous and more complex. “

Developed CHU Liège, Orthanc (under GPL license) it took office in 2012 and is used daily by doctors. Orthanc is under GPL and runs on GNU / Linux, Windows and OSX (Apple).

lalibre states that “before joining the University Hospital of Liège, in November 2011, Sébastien Jodogne worked within ‘ Companies specializing in the image and the development of computer applications (Jomago, EVS, Euresys) Without going into details, free software Orthanc. – that is to say free – improves and automates the flow of ‘medical imaging between departments of the same hospital, but also between hospitals, and thus helps overcome obstacles related to the interoperability of software usually’ owners’. “

” A societal need “

In an interview with La Dernière Heure, the winner declares” convinced that free software is the tool that will reconcile technology and humanism. It is often feared that technological change is dehumanizing treatment medical, and will reduce patients to mere objects. But I think that the continued development of free software in our societies is a great opportunity for patients to resume control of their health, not be under the control of giant corporations and . US “

Orthanc has been downloaded more than 9,000 times,” considerable success “for a niche area such as medical imaging, says Sébastien Jodogne:

” Imaging Medical is indeed dominated by a few large players (Philips, Siemens and GE) and hospitals have little access to IT developers to automate imaging flows: Download this number implies a real societal need. Moreover, a global community gathered around Orthanc. This software is used all over the world, from the United States to India, to Brazil and Russia. Two weeks ago, I learned qu’Orthanc example was used in a Malaysian hospital to show images of patients in multidisciplinary medical consultations … all, of course, the benefit of the patient! “


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