Tuesday, March 31, 2015

For Cécile Duflot, the “Valls software is out of date” – Les Echos

After the defeat of the left in the county, the EELV member asked Francois Hollande to “change model”. “Today, we do not ask the partners to come together but to line up,” she says.

Cécile Duflot reply. Asked Tuesday by “Le Monde” on the rout of the Left in the departmental elections, the EELV MP believes that “the Fifth Republic came into terminal”. “There was a worsening of the distance between the elites and the people. There is a polarization between a straight extrémisée – no more than a sheet of blotting paper between Nicolas Sarkozy and Marine Le Pen. – And a left weakened “, she says ” A year after the slap of Municipal, the same policy was accelerated. It is again penalized. The cape was chosen by the gouvervement and how to exercise authority are the two factors of this failure “, Cécile Duflot deplores.

“Stubbornness can be a mistake”

While the Prime Minister does not intend to change course , former Minister of Housing replica him as “the determination is a quality, but stubbornness may be a fault.” “We must now rebuild hope. This requires a willingness and commitment “, she defends. “Today, we do not ask the partners to come together, but to line. Historically, the right can be satisfied with a militarization around a strong man but the left, she needs a unifying project. “

And EELV member to continue in severely rebuking Manuel Valls. “The growing inequality, territorial and social as well as ecological crisis seem to be blind spots of his thought. It has the high and mighty, but where are the results? Its objectives, namely to reduce the National Front, improve the score of the Left and reduce unemployment, are not met today. Its software is out of date “, is launching Cécile Duflot.

” Things are never frozen “

The former leader of Europe Ecology-Green says “ready for assembly” but emphasizing that it does not believe that “modernity either to abdicate on each social achievements and have a conservative project “. It considers in particular that Jean-Luc Mélenchon (Left Party) “is wrong about the fact prioritize the fight between two left” .

Presents Sunday in the airplane with Francois Hollande to go to the march in Tunis, Cécile Duflot says she told him what she “unceasingly repeated” . “We need a paradigm shift to find the path to prosperity without growth and democratic overhaul – with proportional – to restore confidence” . She says “as the discussion continues with the President of the Republic, in whose election environmentalists helped” . It emphasizes that it will tire “never try to convince” , “Things are never frozen” .

” As an environmentalist I know that we can not waste time. The climate conference at the end of the year is a historic opportunity to change the course of our societies “, she defends again.

Cambadélis said “do not understand”

Asked by journalists on the formula “outdated software,” when he arrived at the PS group in the Assembly, the first secretary of the PS, Jean -Christophe Cambadélis, said: “I think Ms. Duflot may be afraid that dialogue begins between the Socialist Party and environmentalists. I do not understand the statement “. What Cécile Duflot said on twitter “Mr. Cambadélis is wrong … but I know that the rally is built on a project, it can not be decreed. “.

Edited by VM with AFP

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