Thursday, January 14, 2016

[Update] In the National Assembly, the use of free software … – Next INpact

Update: The Law Commission adopted Yesterday socialist amendment that the use of free software in the administration should be “ encourage [ed] ‘by public actors. Following the negative opinion of the government and the rapporteur, environmentalists MPs withdrew their amendment to outright give the ‘ priority “to free software, but could work on redrafting by debates in public session next week.

Should the government use free software instead of proprietary solutions, especially developed by giants like Microsoft? That is the question that will today meet members of the Law Committee of the National Assembly.

On the occasion of the review of the digital bill, an almost identical amendment was filed by four environmentalists, including Isabelle Attard and by ten Socialists led by rebellious Christian Paul (there is also the presence of some Aurélie Filippetti). The idea? Ensuring that government departments, administrations, local authorities, public sector enterprises … “ give priority to free software and open standards in the development, purchase or the use of a computer system . ” Office type of proprietary solutions could still be used, but likely provided no open source equivalent exists.

While eavesdropping scandals and data interception multiply, it seems essential that the State, administrations, public institutions and public sector companies prefer the tools they can acquire full control “argues the PS elected, adding that free software allows “ Medium-term usually get savings .” Many free solutions are in effect free, in the image of the office suite LibreOffice, the VLC player, or even GIMP editing software.

The government has already expressed its opposition

But the deputies of the Law Committee will they oppose the government on this highly sensitive subject? It is recalled that during previous consultation to digital bill, participants overwhelmingly asked that priority be given to free software. While ensuring “ souscri [re] fully to the development of free software and its use, particularly in the administration ,” the executive was in was out claiming he had “ above all do with non-legislative measures, support in the field and promoting initiatives administrations and agents . ” In other words, no need to touch the law (although this has already been done in 2013 for Higher Education).

A position that had aroused the wrath of April, the association promotion of free software, “ Simply promotional activities, verbiage without any constraint, respite inaction. The government can not discard on public officials, who no real support, are working every day to free software.

The Socialist Group is preparing a fallback,” a trap “according to the April

Obviously the idea of ​​a compromise, the former minister Delphine Batho filed on behalf of the Socialist Group an amendment providing that the authorities’ encourage the use of free software and open when developing formats, purchase or use of a computer system . ” A much mollassonne formulation that “ is not likely to change anything in favor of free software ” according to April. “ This amendment is a trap which has the effect of avoiding the possible adoption of an amendment” priority to free software “also warns the association.

Note finally that two amendments, virtually identical, were filed by environmentalists and the rapporteur Belot Luc (PS) so that the software source code developed under the aegis of the state becomes a communicable administrative document of principle to the citizen just as circulars, statistics, discussions, etc. The deal is the same as the priority to free software: the measure proposed by the April, had been largely supported in the consultation on the draft digital law. The government has not yet chosen …

 Xavier Bern

Xavier Bern

Journalist, specialized in legal and political themes.


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