Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The payroll software Source Balance requires skills in … – La Voix du Nord

 SourceSolde.JPG The basic version 1.1 Source of Balance, the future of the armed payroll software designed by Sopra and Steria-replacing catastrophic Louvois will be delivered March 22, 2016 for one phase of evaluation called “ state qualification “. After months of tests blank, and duplicate (Source Louvois and concert Balance) in the navy, the software could be commissioned in July 2017. Before the army in April 2018, and the army air and the health service of armies in the first quarter of 2019. Finally, if all goes well!

First, Louvois continues to damage consistently on balance sheets, says the 28th report of the Users group. In October 2015, we noted no abnormalities 163,260 ballots, 10,932 regularized before the payment and paid out Louvois 2880 (1727 in the Army, in the Navy in 1003 and 150 in military health service). This computer crash genera EUR 358.1 million of bribes since 2012 (288.4 M € for the land, 55.7 M € for sailors, € 14 million for health). And € 56.9 million remains to be served …

In short, everyone would love to get rid of Louvois once and for all. But the Ministry of Defence and HRD do not want to take any chances. So V1.1 will be delivered March 22, 2016 for the first tests. If we do not reveal abnormalities, raw white balances for the French Navy will be held July 22, 2016 for a period of seven months. Always hopefully, February 22, 2017, we will move to phase double pay during three months with the connection information Balance Source HR marine system.

The official commissioning might be possible in July 2017. We already warned already that the final changeover could be decreased by three months in October, once the WFP (annual plan mutations) of the Navy realized. Finally, if the Navy wishes. Feel the pressure on the shoulders of the SGA and the HR-MD!

In a perfect computing world, we will then consider tilting the big Army song. With the beginning of the white balance at the end of double Navy an estimated balance for opening in April 2018. The deployment Source Balance for the Air Force and the Army Health Service will follow the same model a goal in the first quarter 2019. This happy day, still distant military have said goodbye to the disastrous Louvois. Patience, again and again!

The user group meeting (next January 29), which brings together the HR, representatives of military and families, also reports an overhaul of the monthly bulletin of balance. It will be simpler and more understandable (not complicated). It also announces a portal on the Defence intranet where you can view (but not edit) the calculation of his pay (except for sensitive military DGSE, DRM and DPSD) …

Below is a facsimile of the simplified BMS project, and the home page of the portal intradef (you can click on it to read the details) …

source balance louvois, sopra-sterria > source balance louvois, sopra-sterria  source balance louvois, sopra -sterria  source balance louvois , sopra-sterria


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