Friday, December 18, 2015

Can we really detect terrorists with software? –

Body Temperature Change, shrug of voice, jerky movements … A behavioral analysis software is currently being tested in French train stations hoping to be detected in the future, through these “signs of anxiety” , the presence of a potential terrorist. Or simply that anyone with “negative intent”, whether “an aggressor or jobber,” said Wednesday Stéphane Volant, secretary general of SNCF, presenting the range of proposed measures following the attacks of 13 November in Paris and the failed attack of 21 August in a Thalys train on the Paris-Amsterdam line.

Prudent, the boss of Railways said that the testing of this futuristic system is carried out “in accordance with the law and under the supervision of the National Commission on Informatics and Liberties (CNIL). ” It specifies that the tests used to confirm that the software identifies only people to truly suspicious behavior, but also to observe if travelers are willing to accept such technologies. If so, the software can be coupled to 40,000 surveillance cameras from the train.

Gantry X-rays and

This is not the only novelty. The public company is also testing cameras that detect suspicious packages stayed too long on the ground. Railways are considering also to equip their officers hand-held cameras to film fraud or reprehensible behavior. An application for smartphones that will allow passengers to raise the alarm will be launched in the spring.

Meanwhile, security gates and X-ray scanners are already being installed in Lille and Paris on the lines Thalys International, including linking France to Belgium and the Netherlands. They will be operational on Sunday announced Segolene Royal by testing their operation on Thursday morning at the Gare du Nord. The minister believes that “if the device is smooth and works well,” without creating huge queues, “there is no reason that one secures the Thalys, TGV and all national trains “will be affected. As for Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany, they “must put it.”

Finally, a socialist bill has been under consideration at the National Assembly Wednesday evening accelerated procedure. It must allow security staff of SNCF and RATP (Paris Transport) to conduct body searches on passengers and search their baggage. If they refuse, they are prevented from boarding trains. Moreover, companies could require registered Notes. Right, she would require the submission of a safe room.

Users are worried

This action will reassure bawdy-t it’s 5.4 million travelers expected by SNCF on its network for the Christmas holidays, from Friday night until Sunday, January 3? Not sure. The National Federation of associations of transport users (FNAUT) considers “unrealistic” the systematic screening of travelers at the entrance of stations and trains, fearing it will slow the loading of passengers and creates queues … exposed to terrorist actions.

As for the advocate, Jacques Toubon, he worries entrusted with “public security missions to private agents” and believes that “there is a serious risk of proliferation of incidents “.

” It is not known if a person who wants to commit an attack is stressed. If it is, absolutely not! “In Matthew Marquenet, one of my Smart-Up executives, French company specializing in facial recognition software, there is no doubt that” technically, a camera can measure a shrug voice or a temperature, but the data will not necessarily be relevant for identifying a suspicious gesture. ” In short, the test conducted by the SNCF “really does not seem credible,” he says Agence France Presse (AFP).

Meanwhile, the defense electronics group Thales confirms study “recent years” of abnormal behavior detection software, but at this point the solutions are not operational “in the laboratory, in a predefined space and not to customers,” says one AFP.

The behavioral analysis, aviation safety experts would also like to develop it in airports around the world. But these experts gathered in Barcelona last month are increasingly relying on observation of passengers by field staff well trained and not just on computer software.

“One behavior is not enough. It is the sum of small details, “noted Ruben Jimenez, head of security of Cointrin airport, where training will begin in 2017. The weakness of security, is that” you take twice a plane and you know how to work the controls. “We have to be more unpredictable. “I must not know if I will be asked, in the past explosives detector to be searched …” History “to make the preparation of a more complicated attack”. (24 hours)

(Created: 12/18/2015, 1:54 p.m.)


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