Saturday, September 26, 2015

Deceptive software Volkswagen – RFI

Volkswagen Deceptive software

The Volkswagen automotive group acknowledged using software to invalidate the results of emission tests on its diesel vehicles. This sophisticated computer program toggles the automobile of “road mode” pollutant “test mode” clean automatically during inspections.

Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything turns , “explained paraphrasing a philosopher of ancient Greece, the father of modern chemistry Antoine Laurent Lavoisier in March 1789. His research on the phenomenon of combustion or rapid oxidation, allowed a century later German engineer Rudolf Diesel invented an engine in which effectively “ nothing is lost and everything is transformed “, especially in toxic fumes, when carbide diesel. Clean diesel would be a chimera! Except at the wheel of manufacturer Volkswagen models including 11 million vehicles worldwide run since 2009 to digital trickery. The German firm has deliberately distorted the emissions tests performed in the US using a data faker software, as revealed by the EPA, the Environmental Protection Federal Agency .

Originally, this computer program was not for cheating. For security reasons, it was installed by default on all modern vehicles of the planet so that cars can pass the tests of test benches .

When the hood and the doors are open or the rear wheels locked on control benches, auto driving assistance systems interpret the artificial running of the vehicle as a dangerous situation. The computer program then imposed on manufacturers toggles the car a “road mode” to a “test mode” automatically. A software company that Volkswagen was quick to reconfigure to activate discreetly during controls, an internal mechanism for limiting polluting gases. This fixing device, moreover, would be inoperable under actual driving conditions when performance granting the vehicle worthy of a scooter. Back on the road, “neither seen nor known I confused you,” the anti-pollution combines deactivates and the vehicle finds its power in the atmosphere releasing plumes of pollutant gases, up to 40 times the standards force, the report says the US agency. Volkswagen fraud “ is just the tip of the iceberg ,” adds the European NGOs Transportation & amp; Surround , which estimates that a car in five in Europe, regardless of the brand, does not comply with emission regulations.
Any questions or suggestions, please write to us

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