Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Adult Player, the software that trap and ransom porn lovers – ZDNet France

The consumption of pornography on the canvas stands between other motor special feeling: the perceived anonymity of the users. And those who installed Adult Player, an application for Android that allows you to view pornographic videos, had to be convinced of their invisibility, stealth guarantee.

Except that the IT security specialist Zscaler has demonstrated that ‘Adult Player is actually a rançongiciel, also called ransomware. To do this, the software accesses the camera the user’s smartphone, and takes a picture of it quietly.

Next, a threatening message was sent, requiring payment of a fine of 500 dollars, supposedly on behalf of the FBI. And display the photo of the victim (see the video) to properly drive the nail. This persistent message on the phone, even after a reboot. Frightened by this message, trapped the service user can pay via PayPal pseudo fine to see the condition of his aircraft back to normal.

Best of all, the application can not be uninstalled Normally, since the ransom message screen blocks any action on the telephone. It can not be disabled in restarting the phone in degraded mode, which is not within the competence of the majority of smartphone owners. Note that Google can not be blamed in this case since the application is not available in Google Play. An installation file must be downloaded by the phone user to run the program.

Zscaler provides the recipe to get rid of Adult Player. But its performance depends on the user’s phone model.

If ramsomware are becoming more common on computer operating systems, a recent example is called Tox, this example racketeering smartphone shows that mobile is not immune to such actions. Last June, the company had ESETSecurity updated Simplocker, the first Android ransomware able to encrypt data.


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