Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Plérin. Watcheezy, the software matured in California, developed here – Ouest-France

“Watcheezy it is a 100% Breton product, designed with one foot in California! “Erwan Minier, boss Visofair, plérinaise the company that developed the software to support online sales, can be proud of his find. He matured his idea in an incubator – incubator for new technology companies – from Silicon Valley. Today, nearly 80 French customers have already adopted and it is about to raise funds to sell internationally.

For the average user, nothing new in appearance He can chat with a Vendor website where he surfs. For the telephone advisor, however everything changes: where there had to wait until the customer contacts, he can now apply for a chat or video based on a ranking alerts, established by the Watcheezy software. The software algorithm takes into account the time spent on the site by the user, the number of page views, etc. And like in a store, telephone advisor can contact him, when he feels that the client needs advice.

The BNP, GDF Suez have adopted the software, Total and Disney could do the same. Behind this idea, a small company of only five people who turbiné for nearly 10,000 hours!


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