Thursday, July 23, 2015

Cegid Half Year 2015: The cloud weighs more than 60% of sales software … – LeMondeInformatique

Jean-Michel Aulas and Patrick Bertrand (President and CEO of Cegid), exposed the results and strategy of the group during a press briefing Thursday morning (credit: DR).

Jean-Michel Aulas and Patrick Bertrand (President and CEO of Cegid), exposed the results and strategy of the group during a press briefing Thursday morning. (Credit: DR)

For the first half of 2015, Cegid saw its turnover increase by 2.2% to € 133.6 million for net income of 9.4 million, up 8.6%. The cloud of publisher revenues rose 28.3% to € 29.3 million against a decline of 11.6% for licenses passing to below 14 million.

Cegid, one of the jewels of French publishing software, has released its results for the first half of 2015. In the first six months of the year, the company experienced a significant increase in sales of cloud affairs now accounts for 61% of all of its software revenues (+ 2 points in one year). The objective in the coming months to raise that figure to almost 70%. “The results are very satisfactory with a fifth consecutive increase half showing a beautiful mastery of transformation and growth despite the change in business model to the cloud,” said Jean-Michel Aulas, Chairman of Cegid, during a press briefing held Thursday morning in Paris

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Now the company has more so than ever in the cloud as a pillar of development. In the 1st half, total cloud business thus amounted to 29.3 million euros (versus 22.9 in 2014), up 28.3% over last year, while the stock SaaS contracts reached 132 million euros (+ 35% compared to H1 2014). “The transformation process is extremely important from the sale of licenses and maintenance contracts to a SaaS model with revenue recognition stretches back in time,” said Patrick Betrand, CEO of Cegid. Moreover, the number of users of cloud solutions rose 9% on the perimeter, keeping reaching 130,000, knowing that almost a quarter of new contracts are in the cloud. And it is not finished, the editor saying that 80% of customers within 10 years should go to the cloud. Although a distant prospect but speaks volumes about the transformation of the editor to the SaaS operated in recent years and is therefore far from complete.

Towards a global mesh cloud datacenters

Although today Cegid finds on the ground that 8 out of 10 tenders which it participates today relate cloud solutions, the editor does not, however, shares the vision of a death Sales traditional software licenses. “I do not believe in 100% SaaS scheme. There will always be companies that will keep a part of their on-premise IT, “predicts Patrick Bertrand. Similarly the sale of licenses is far from obsolete, even for companies that are turning to the cloud. Explanations: “Companies will choose to purchase licenses and install them on a private cloud that will not be operated by us,” analysis Patrick Betrand. “The cloud also poses problems for some customers in terms of speed and performance,” adds Jean-Michel Aulas.

To support its cloud offering, Cegid has signed hosting agreement with IBM but heads for the signing of agreements by region cloud and evaluates – as if not to put all eggs in one basket – the opportunity to dispense with other actors to have a worldwide network of cloud data centers . However, the publisher does not expect to IBM shelved, and looks rather too closely the big blue cloud offering based on SoftLayer which could also be an interesting opportunity.

Africa , new hunting ground Cegid

First-half sales of software – historical business Cegid – drank the cup, with a decline in turnover of 11.6% to 13.8 millions of euros. As maintenance (-2.1%) to 49.4 million euros. Overall, revenues grew Edition 3.4% to 94.3 million. Over the first 6 months of the year, company revenues were 133.6 million euros, an increase of 2.2% for net income of € 9.4 million (8, 6%). Besides a 24% growth in operating cash flow to € 292 million, which the company is particularly proud.

Among the group’s growth drivers, the dynamics of international activities of group is certainly the most important, knowing that Cegid aims to increase from 10 to 20% – more or less short term – the share of total income made abroad. To achieve this, the publisher has focused on acquisitions, such as the recent US JDS Solutions Corporation (on-premise software to the trades of specialized trade) or to Altaven (SaaS and on-premise management taxation to large enterprises). Note that currently, 40% of turnover Edition is generated abroad. The publisher also wants to put a boost to its business in Africa, where it has 1,200 customers. . He realized 1.8 million euros of turnover and created two subsidiaries in Abidjan and Casablanca

Other growth drivers, there is also the acquisition of a 13% – with perspective for a 100% rise – the capital of NovigoTech, startup that provides a collaborative HR portal. And in the coming months, it will take with other acquisitions. “We wish to accelerate external growth logic and acquisitions are planned, some before the end of the year. It holds talks with 5-7 companies, and possible acquisitions relate almost all product lines, “indicated Jean-Michel Aulas.


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