Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Software that recognizes pain – Le Figaro

“Do not argue with his suffering people; there is pain like homelands, each has his own “explained Chateaubriand in memoirs from beyond the grave. Indeed, nothing is more subjective than the pain. The same injury can be felt in different ways and the importance attached to it can vary greatly. But a team from the University of California researchers presented Monday in a study published in the Journal Pediatrics , measurement software of pain by facial recognition (FACS). This software allows a fairly objective assessment of pain for patients having difficulties to evaluate.

The facial expressions are clear indications of the severity of pain, the study says. In this perspective, FACS analysis based on 46 signs of the face from the patient videos.! As frowning, wrinkling of the nose and eyelids tight

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For their experiment, the researchers tested the accuracy of the software on 50 young people aged 5-18 years, all following the same surgery. After analyzing the video data, the software has awarded a pain score on a scale from 0 to 10 to the patients. Knowing that 10 is the maximum level.

According to the study, FACS establishes a very close diagnostic evaluation that are sick of their pain. For researchers, its accuracy is comparable to the evaluation that parents make the pain of their child and it is generally more accurate than the nursing diagnosis. Another advantage of the software, the analysis does not change depending on the morphology of the faces. A feature which suggests that it might be widely used by medical teams

But the doctors did not wait for the arrival of this technology to implant a regular assessment of pain. Since 2010, APICIL the foundation, devoted to projects in the fight against pain, has implemented a caregiver to pocket kit to evaluate the children in French hospitals. An initiative in which the Dr.Chantal Delafosse, doctor pain Woman Mother Child Hospital (HFME) in Lyon, participated with the aim of improving the quality of care.

“The Children can rate their pain from approximately 5 years. Below this age, they are not able, it’s all or nothing, “says the Le Figaro the Dr.Chantal Delafosse. Using a system of automatic recognition lets take a course in screening to better adapt analgesics young patients or with Disabilities.

Several scales exist to assess pain levels. Each adapts to patient conditions. For example, for children able to evaluate, researchers have established a scale of faces where the child shall designate one 6 of them, the one that best matches how he feels. In cases where the evaluation requires the intervention of a third party, the medical staff uses, among others, the FLACC scale (Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolabilty), which allows him to diagnose in the following criteria:. facial expression, position and leg movement, agitation, crying, moaning and the ability to be comforted

In French hospitals, “taking into pain management remains a goal every day. It has only been a few years that the assessment of pain appears in care records as well as temperature or pressure, “says Dr.Chantal Delafosse. According to her, the hardest part was to bring the assessment of pain in habits caregivers.


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