Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Genesis, the software which “bugue” justice – Rue89

There are some days, the Justice Minister, Christiane Taubira, had to find a new letter (dated 4 June) on his desk. Signed by the Trade Union of Magistrates (USM), it denounces “numerous difficulties” encountered with the new Genesis software.

Nothing to do with the homonymous title, aptly named French group Justice . The software name means national management of people jailed for individual monitoring and security

His goal:. Replace the national register of detainees and the Gide software, which identify decisions about detainees. In short: an overhaul of the entire database of detainees containing biometric elements, the enforcement of criminal judgments and judicial decisions and conditions of detention. Powered by the clerks, the software is used in particular by the application of sentences judges.

“The software is not reliable”

This software is deployed in some pilot courts for several months, and the least we can say is that the transition is in pain. Delays, factual errors, payment problems … The magistrates denounced in the letter sent to the Minister of Justice, a number of serious malfunctions. Not a simple computer failure, but bugs that can affect their work and, especially, the situation of prisoners and compensation for victims.

Celine Parisot, general secretary of the USM, explains us the list disappointments.

“The main difficulty is that this software is not reliable.

When the clerk records data, do not always find in our research. This can pose serious problems, the judges can not do their job properly.

The frames, the models used by a clerk are also poorly made. Some texts numbers are false. They were carried out without consultation with us and we can not change them. So we have to start over every time. “

” Doubling hearing of time “

The national secretary of the USM, Philippe Desloges, works in Nantes, where the software is tested Genesis since December 2013. He tells us:

“At first we did not even have the date of birth of the prisoner on his criminal record. Now, he still misses his country of birth, we have only the city. This creates risks of homonymy. “

Main result: additional delays in the judicial process. The president of the USM, Virginia Duval, speaks in this letter a “doubling hearing of the times” in a context of lack of manpower:

“It is inconceivable, as she acknowledges holiday rates unmatched positions for judges and officials, the Chancellery deploys a software totally unsuited to the needs of these. “

Prisoners and Victims affected

The computer problem could be limited to” teething problems “for some pilot schools, but the national secretary of the USM has more serious concerns.

In Nantes, where Philippe Desloges works as Vice President responsible for the enforcement of sentences, the software is installed for several months.

” Many of my colleagues made me go back malfunctions concerning payments made to compensate a victim.

Currently, no transfer can be made. This raises a concern for the judge to sentence enforcement, for victims and for prisoners. “

To understand the problem, we must delve into the criminal procedure code. It states, in Article D319:

“The prison where the inmate is imprisoned holds a registered account are listed on monetary assets belonging to him. “

No bank transfer can

The Genesis software was thus possible to know the amount deposited on this account and make transfers of the detainee, to the civil parties according to the rules laid down in Article D320. That is to say, with “share” mandatory, automatically paid to victims as compensation. This is only possible by the software, as explained Philippe Desloges.

“When a judge sentence enforcement has made a summary of demand Payments made by a detainee, the response stated, dated May 22, 2015: “The Genesis software allows no automatic bank transfer. ‘”

In addition to preventing the compensation the victim, the absence of payment also poses difficulties for prisoners to get a reduced sentence.

Article 721.1 of the Criminal Procedure Code provides for:

“A further reduction of sentence may be granted to convicts who show serious efforts at social rehabilitation, in particular (…) striving to compensate their victims. “

A” bug “inadmissible for the Court of Appeal

These payment difficulties experienced by some detainees to compensate plaintiffs therefore prevent them from getting reduced sentences.

Even when the penalties enforcement judge considers that this is not the fault of the prisoner, and that it is possible to grant him a further sentence reduction, the decision is invalidated.

So the Rennes Court of Appeal overturned the judge’s order in a ruling (PDF below cons), dated 16 April 2015. It states that ‘the person concerned (the prisoner) does not produce proof of compensation for civil parties. “

This decision is explained by the existence of other means of compensation for victims, but these are often more complex.

The removal of the possibility to transfer the new software, creates, in any event, significant complications.

“current 2,015 Adjustments”

On the side of the Ministry of Justice spokesman Peter Rance does not see things the same way:

“It is not as negative USM suggests, even if malfunctions have actually been recorded at the beginning of development.

Since then, most of these difficulties had been resolved, including as levies for victims.

Other malfunctions will be subject to adjustments and improvements in the course of 2015. “

It should be said that the company responsible for developing the software is a regular departments. Sopra has already won tenders to deploy the Chorus software to the Ministry of Education. An establishment which had proved very difficult.

Before Genesis, the costly failure of ONP

Sopra has also recently been selected by the Ministry of Defence to create the Balance Source software, which must replace the “expensive nightmare” Louvois responsible for payment of the military.

A decision that made “cringe” of some competitors. Sopra was already part of the consortium responsible for creating the National Pay Operator (ONP). This mammoth project launched by Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007, was to manage payroll of 2.5 million civil servants. He was abandoned by Bercy in 2014, after numerous delays and technical problems, and having cost 290 million euros.

Genesis, the bidding goes back to 2011. Sopra l ‘won, totaling a little over 5 million. Contacted by Rue89, the company repeated its “contractual confidentiality agreement” as the only answer to our questions.

Meanwhile, the situation of transplants who experiment this software continues to deteriorate, as Philippe tells Desloges.

“In Nantes, the grafts are affected. The vast majority demand from. They tell me “you have to redo everything, we came back to the prehistoric age.” “


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