Saturday, June 6, 2015

Auto-Tune, the voice correction software that transformed … – CBC

         Perfection is now the norm in pop music. The wrong notes are endangered, largely thanks to the Auto-Tune revolution.

         The correction Auto-Tune software corrects the accuracy of vocal intonations, ensuring perfect harmony. When used wisely, it can not detect it.

         Andy Hildebrand is the inventor of this technology. Prior to revolutionize the music industry, he was a petroleum engineer. In 1995, he developed software for his employer, the oil giant Halliburton.

         Oil companies dynamite the basement or the bottom of the ocean. Then, sensors analyze the acoustic waves emitted by the ground or water.

         Andy Hildebrand therefore applied the same technology of digital signal processing vocals. It launched its software in 1997. In a long interview, he told this week CNN.

         “Before Auto-Tune, the filmmakers corrected the accuracy of voice asking the singer to repeat several times the sentence. They recorded a hundred sockets and pasted them together to get a song that sounded right. ”
          – Andy Hildebrand

         Today, Auto-Tune does the same job in one click.

          An instant success, but decried by some

         In 2010, Time Magazine Auto-Tune included in the list of the 50 worst inventions, saying that “this technology allows bad look good singers and bad singers to sound like robots.”

         In 2014, a demo version of a song by Britney Spears without correction Auto-Tune, made look bad American singer.

         The Death Cab for Cutie group and rapper Jay Z have criticized the software publicly.

         In sum, it appears that Auto-Tune the equivalent of Photoshop for photographers: everyone uses it without admitting aloud.

          After the voice, the guitar and heart rate

         In 2011, Antares Audio Technologies, the company founded in 1990 by Andy Hildebrand, launched Auto-Tune for guitar sound to enhance accuracy of the instrument. The legendary guitarist Steve Vai is even one of the spokesmen of this software.

         In the future, Andy Hildebrand wants to improve integrated defibrillators. This stimulator implanted in the chest monitors heartbeat irregularities and releases energy pulses to correct anomalies. Sometimes the software does not detect the heart rate. The software of Andy Hildebrand intends to solve this problem.


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