Saturday, December 19, 2015

Do not be deceived software! – Mediapart

A new situation, a new answer! The Left Front has lost its attractive capacity by not mobilizing the electorate that voted in 2012. Mélenchon interrogate us with confidence.

The socialist party through the voice of his secretary criticized the division of the left and February to dice called “covenant-popular” and ignoring the overwhelming responsibility policy of the socialist government. Rasssemblement communist movements, environmentalist, whose centrist socialist party would form the epicenter. We would be on the precipice. Manuel Vals would look favorably joint work between socialists and part of the right Hollande strongly arouses since his meeting with Xavier Bertrand, President of the Northern Region, Pas de Calais, Picardy. Everyone has his score to hide the ultra-reactionary direction taken by the government in economic and social accompanied by anti-democratic measures introduced in the constitution strengthening the executive at the expense of the legislative and the judiciary.

The electoral désatre left front requires flattening to rebound. Analysis Templates are distorted.

Compare the period that the popular front does not: come together against fascism can not be the key mobilizations. The fascist danger is absent even if the FN, we regret, accumulates a fluctuating electorate in the regions. I will speak more precisely a composite electorate that brings together a fascist minority, a majority of malcontents, of moaners often from the right, racist elements. A heterogeneous collection which reflects a frustration with the stagnation of our society. This electorate far from block fluctuates situations where porosity with traditional electorate right to which it relates. The FN vote is a warning given to right-wing parties disappointed by their voters.

Compare the Resistance? The gathering around the National Resistance Council (CNR) was of a different nature. It was to unite all the forces who refused military and political occupation of a foreign country. After the Liberation, the urgent issue was the reconstruction of a country exangue. Nothing to do with today.

After two decades of division of the left (1950/1970) because of colonial wars against the Gaullist government, the Communists agree on a strategy “of union left around a common program “, a strategy that culminates with the victory of Mitterrand in 1981. Since this strategy has experienced setbacks: Failure of the joint program, electoral failures, breakup of the electorate, followed illusions disappointments among disadvantaged social classes, dizzying rise of abstention. All this related experiences (1983/2015) alone socialist governments, the governments of union of the left gathered, governments right cohabitation / PS. Is it not time to learn from them? By listening if possible

only certainty. The software is completely obsolete. It must change. Offer a radically new political offer to open a progressive solution to the France!

More on that in the next post.

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