Saturday, May 16, 2015

US and UK, the first software implementation of the country … – The Workshop: Accelerating Business

The Truffle 100 is the annual ranking of French software vendors. For 2014, the conclusion is clear: the industry is doing very well. Especially thanks to the Anglo-Saxon countries.

Would French fans Software Anglo-Saxon? Or is it the opposite? Reading the last Truffle 100, in any case, we believe it very attracted to the US and the UK sector. The study conducted annually by Truffle Capital and Expertise Centre software (CXP), highlights the importance of both countries for French software vendors. These are among the first implantation for French companies in the sector. 31% of publishers have market shares in the UK; 23% overseas. By comparison, they are only 10% in China and Morocco. Especially since the trend is far from being reversed: half of publishers surveyed by the study plan to continue their international deployment.

The software vendors see the country [the UK] as a gateway to the United States, the biggest market software .

To explain such a lead in the UK in the rankings, Bernard-Louis Roques, General Partner of Truffle Capital initially evokes the distance: “ UK Place is explained by geographical proximity, the first instinct when we go abroad. And software companies see the country as a gateway to the United States . ” A gateway to “ the biggest market software” according to Bernard-Louis Roques.

For if the French publishers can afford to invest the side of London and Silicon Valley is primarily because the area enjoys a very good reputation and is doing very well. Thus, in 2013, on the first hundred French software vendors, 78 were growing. In 2014 they were 98. The ranking established by Truffle Capital and Expertise Centre software (CXP) first highlights the strong growth of the sector. Besides it recruits enormously: between 2013 and 2014, the French publishers increased from 79 000 employees in total to 103 000.

L'évolution enrollment in French first 100 software

To explain this very healthy, Truffle study tried to analyze trends. In mind: the cloud offers SaaS ( Software as a Service is transforming online offering software available by subscription instead of the installation on the terminal). 68% of software vendors and SaaS have an offer. There were only 42% in 2012. Yet Bernard-Louis Roques relativizes this observation: “ There are serious developments in the market in this direction but it remains marginal. It is estimated that SaaS represents around 5% of global turnover . “


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