Thursday, May 7, 2015

Counsels, why use a management software … – Village Justice (Blog)

To assess the progress of employees and folders

The measurement of time allows you to monitor the individual performance of each employee.
For Patrick Deleau, Founding President of Legal Suite [1] , “This is the progress of his treatment time, comparable records, which give a picture of its performance and constant optimization of its method and its personal organization “.
If your junior puts 40 hours to perform an act instead of the 50 he needed, you can not but notice the improved performance. Conversely, if it remains stuck at 50h, you’ll know that it does not progress.

Thus, “ when the legal department has software dedicated to the management of its business, crossing of volume indicators with past times restore a very interesting picture of the increase individual productivity and collective team “according to Patrick Deleau.

Count the time avoids overload of activity. The data analysis software allows you to detect problems encountered when processing a file. If it is not completed in a few weeks when he needed 20 hours of work, you will deduce that in its basic estimate is already outdated. You can then ask your employee to know the reasons for the delay, the answers to this question can be multiple.

Promoting its image

The setting instead of such software is a great way to promote your legal department and your employees. “ The legal department demonstrates through this approach it for the sake of time management of its staff and resources it allocates its budget. ” explains Patrick Deleau.

The lawyers are not always aware of the overall time spent on their records. It is therefore interesting for a team to be able to learn from his work, once it fulfilled, and to profit.

The information gathered by the software used to restore, with operational , the time spent by the legal department and its members themselves, to measure the individual and total investment for a specific folder.
With this time measurement, you are capacity , after the development of an IT contract for example, that the total investment in this case has been to X hours to the legal department. It is possible to be more precise and so know you have spent hours Y, W and hours for your senior Z hours for your junior.
All entities may well know who has worked on such a record and for how long.

The general direction of your company will thus have a real insight into the quality and quantity the work of your department. All the light will be well done on your role and its importance.

In communicating the end of file, you render a time working and more generally a value which no one suspected the existence. The Communication on the time then allows you to focus on value creation, to realize that these X hours, half of which was conducted during the last week. To be complete, it is also possible to specify whether a law firm has intervened in the case, the number of hours billed and fees cost.

In the same context, it is useful to identify time spent on issues that are not going to end. Whatever the reasons for the termination of an operation, your employees have still been mobilized on the file before it was abandoned. But the deal is not so, the risk is that the investment team may not be recognized.

Understand, explain and communicate

One can not claim manage what we do not know how to measure ” according to one of credo founders of Legal Suite. Indeed, the productivity of your legal department is emphasized by the use of such a tool.
It is easier to control its activities and the work of its members. However, “ the first reaction objection to a time management project is” flicage “” according to Patrick Deleau. To avoid rejection of this tool by the team members, who might see a distrust in their organization and way of working, it is best to inform them of the purpose of use of the software and present the objectives. “One of the challenges in terms of change management will be precisely to demonstrate the benefits for the employee, for the team and for the legal function itself and its recognition within the enterprise” according to Patrick Deleau.
This operating mode helps to strengthen cohesion, sharing and unite the team in the legal department.

The seizures times Past allow each employee to realize the distribution and management of their working hours.
your side, you have a consolidated view of the entire working time your lawyers by industry, by structure, etc.

In addition, this time tracking can help each year, the legal department, to prepare an annual report providing an update on key issues treated during the past year and comment on the identified numbers. This is a true work of communication that brings each lawyer, since they are the editors of the party concerned, to feel more involved in their duties.
for Cécile Stumpf, Director of Legal SemPariSeine, “the working time per operation to determine the profitability of the legal department. Lessons are learned from the analysis of these numbers so that we can always meet the deadlines for the treatment of an operation. “

Another advantage, not negligible, of mastered working time: you have in terms of objective evidence of the increased workload of lawyers that allows you to legitimize additional resources or negotiate your budget. Indeed, how to justify the lack of resources “ when the legal director can not calculate a click caseloads per staff? ” confirms Patrick Deleau.

namely control working time is a great way to step back and realized the assigned activity. You can act on an individual basis: should continue to work on a minor issue too time? Is it better manage operational applications upstream? Is more communication with operational legal reflex?

Even manage activity

One of the keys to optimizing management time is the ability to be informed and be involved upstream projects to anticipate risks and optimize the management of resources. We must be able to put the right profile in the right place at the right time
Some cases are not worth the trouble of being entrusted to a senior. Would represent a waste of time. It is best to assign them to a junior, which will be overseen by a senior who will share his experience and skills. Certainly, the case probably will take longer to be processed, but all team members will be winners: Junior will gain in technical and senior accompaniment

Finally, this type of software allows. also to manage the rest time (PC, RTT, etc.) and possible absences. When going on holiday, an employee can inform the status of his case and possibly the name of the person who will make up the time of his absence.


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