Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Nicolas Sarkozy of the book screened software that detects … – The Huffington Post

POLICY – You can not stop progress. A Swiss startup called OrphAnalytics Romande has developed a software supposed to detect the authors that use of “Negro” or ghostwriters to write their work for them. Originally thought to prevent plagiarism and cheating in student copies, this software has been tested by the Swiss Radio and Television RTS on the literary works of Nicolas Sarkozy, including his latest bestseller “France for life” as well as those of François Bayrou. And if one passes the test without incident, the other will have to explain about the paternity of his bibliography.

How does all this work? Turns of phrase, common vocabulary, style effects sequences … A text on cutting algorithm to identify statistically “stylistic footprint” of its author. Then simply compare the linguistic map to those of other texts of the same editor to ensure they match.

The RTS has scrutinized the entire bibliography of former president Republic since his biography of Georges Mandel (1994), a time suspected of plagiarism, to “France for life” (2016), a work presented as his more personal, through “letters of my castle” ( 1995), follow-up letters parodic published in Les Echos in 1995 under the pseudonym of Mazarin which Nicolas Sarkozy has finally acknowledged paternity in 2004.

the result is “enough ferocious “to believe Claude-Alain Roten, inventor of software: company OrphAnalytics algorithm has detected three different stylistic fingerprints for these three works.

A “dashboard that is not infallible”

But beware of hasty conclusions. If the stylistic map of the bibliography of Nicolas Sarkozy shows that at least three authors have been working on these books, it does not say which of these prints is the chairman of the Republicans. “The letters of my castle” has been published under a pseudonym with the clear desire not to be recognized, one can imagine that the style of the future president could be affected. And the mark of “France for life” more or less corresponds to that of two other books “Free”, “Republic” and “Testimony”. It is therefore impossible to conclude that Nicolas Sarkozy did not write himself his latest book.

The software designer also recognizes that it is primarily a “dashboard” that “n is not infallible. ” However, he told the RTS, “if I were to find myself in the position of a juror who would have the floor on a document that would have this type of profile, I would ask myself serious questions as to the integrity of the student’s approach. “

to force the demonstration, the Swiss Broadcasting also tested five books of another politician, the president of Modem François Bayrou, known for the care he brings himself to write his books as his speeches. This time, the result is final. All his books show the same stylistic imprint.

Conversely, OrphAnalytics tested the series “Millenium”, work of writer Stieg Larsson, who died in 2004 but whose last book was officially drafted by another author. The algorithm does not fall into the trap.


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