Friday, August 21, 2015

Have you tried the software that Stephen Hawking … – Sciences et Avenir

OPEN SOURCE. The system allows the famous astrophysicist Stephen Hawking to speak with the robotic voice characteristic is now available to all comers. Intel Corporation and Stephen Hawking have decided to publish open source (free access) the human-machine interface named ACAT for Assistive Context-Aware Toolkit. It can be downloaded at this address. Suffering from Lou Gehrig’s disease, Hawking is severely disabled. The also called lateral sclerosis neurodegenerative disease is characterized amyotrophic by progressive paralysis of legs and arms, breathing muscles, swallowing and speech.

So while only a few muscles of his face still have some mobility, ACAT system enables it actually transcribe the movements of his face into text. The contractions of his plays are detected by an infrared sensor attached to his glasses and a tablet installed on his wheelchair. The software allows it to enter text by contracting his cheek when the cursor is on the right letter.

Allow sick or disabled to access applications from their computers, via ‘ very limited interfaces adapted to their condition “- Intel Labs

Now available for all, the Intel ACAT software could improve the lives of millions of people with disabilities Except those on the Mac.. .. only a Windows version is available. “Our open source platform developed by Intel Labs will help sick or disabled people have full access to the capabilities and applications of their computers, by through very limited interfaces adapted to their condition “, explained the company stating that it would” users to easily communicate with others through simulation keyboard, word prediction and speech synthesis. “ These will enable ” perform a series of tasks such as publishing, management documents, browsing the Web and e-mail access , as the computer giant.


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