Saturday, July 18, 2015

Lytro updates its equipment and software – Digital Focus

Through his blog, the brand Lytro has announced the availability of two major updates . The first concerns his plenoptic unit, the Illum , the firmware (firmware) is now in version 2.0, while the second focuses on the tools of the processing software of Lytro Desktop images which is version 4.3.
Lytro Illum

 Illum 2.0

The Illum, you know; we have already had the opportunity to speak several times, including during the test published by The Digital . This device uncommon, endowed with the power to record an image one can determine the depth of field and the focus area after the shooting, now possess a much faster autofocus in its version 2.0. According to information provided by the brand, the focus, which is defined by direct selection on the touch screen, three times faster than the previous version. Its distance is also displayed on the screen more clearly.

When shooting, it is also possible to display the image in full screen and eliminate tools that could interfere with the user in the composition its image. The interface settings has also been revised for better ergonomics. The rest of improvements mainly concerns post-processing options, the device now offering tools that only had the software.

By placing two fingers on the screen and by operating a rotation, one can now change the aperture directly in playback mode and display the result with a depth of greater or lesser scope. With one finger, you will slide down the screen, you can also change the outlook.

 Lytro Desktop 4.3

side software is communication with Photoshop that was first improved. With a simple right click on the image in Lytro Desktop, it is now possible to edit the image in Adobe editing software. It opens as a set of layers, we will be able to change at will, before saving the image to include in Lytro Desktop. Retouch options in the Lytro software will, however, reduced compared to the original image.
depth map can now be edited directly in Lytro Desktop 4.3. With brushes available, it will allow to correct misinterpretations relief by refining the contours of such objects.

In addition to anecdotal improvements to the workflow, a quick import mode that requires not to proceed with the processing of images has also been added and should save time. Moreover, export, we can now choose to perform 3D simulations by making the creation of stereoscopic images for virtual reality goggles as Oculus Rift GearVR or Samsung. It is also possible to export to 3D lenticular prints

& gt. Detailed presentation of these two updates on the blog Lytro (in English)

 & Gt; Download Lytro Desktop on Lytro’s website


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