Sunday, July 19, 2015

Coop is testing software for personalized online discount –

Bern (AWP / ats) – The Coop experimenting on its online store new software. It provides customized products depending on the choices of users with discounts and test good. But the retailer denies make a customization of price.

Coop will continue to offer the same price to all customers. Equal treatment is important to us, explained Sunday at ats Urs Meier, spokesman for the number two of the distribution in Switzerland. He returned to a report in the Sunday newspaper “Schweiz am Sonntag”.

According to him, users want the canvas more and more a personal assessment. Thus, for a limited period, the reactions of users to custom virtual store offers, “Coop at home”, are analyzed. This monitoring is only for people who want it.

The discount discount coupons already exists, says Urs Meier. With its new software, Coop can now trace its actions on the purchasing behavior of online customers.

Anyone who frequently buy wine via “Coop at home” and will no longer benefit from rebates wine products that a person would not do. Coop wants in this reward loyal customers, says the spokesperson.

If the pilot phase is positive, the new system could also be tested in the actual stores. Regarding the reaction of Internet users, it is too early for a first assessment since the test on “Coop at home” is in only a few weeks, says Urs Meier.

ats / rp

(AWP / 07.20.2015 6:23)

(AWP / 20.07.2015 6:23) ->


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