Thursday, April 16, 2015

France weather changes its forecasting software – Les Echos

We had announced the return of good weather Promise: since Monday. In good weather, the credit goes to the highs, however, for the accuracy of forecasts is to be thanked Météo France. Since Monday, the meteorological agency uses new NWP systems time, allowing better resolution and enriched with additional data.

“These changes will have significant impacts particularly on the quality of the forecasts on which Météo-France focuses: Short-term forecasts and those of severe weather, “said the public body, who presented these innovations Thursday

These improved versions of its aroma systems (covering France and neighboring states) and Arpege (world) provide, in particular to include more information, largely from satellites. They allow refined spatial resolution, better localization of areas of uncertainty.

aroma and sees its resolution doubled in France, with a 1.3 km mesh instead of 2 5. Same pattern vertically: the atmosphere, which forecasters strive to simulate the behavior to anticipate, is thus “cut” and analyzed on 90 “slices” (against 60 previously)

data processing algorithms have been” thoroughly reviewed “with now 24 proposed analyzes daily by Aroma (instead of eight). To strengthen the probabilities Arpege now uses 25 Short-term forecast scenarios, not six.

Taking the example of the end of September weather in Montpellier area, researchers Météo-France explained that the new model, then test, provided a refined location, attracting more attention to Montpellier. The deployment of the new system was made possible by the installation at Météo-France in 2014 of a new supercomputing equipment, which has multiplied by 12 the computing power available.

(Source AFP)

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