Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Disic wants to improve public policy of free software, … – ZDNet France

 Two and half years after the publication of the circular of Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault on the use of free software in government, there is clearly more work to be done and resistance outside. Illustration these days.

On May 19, the director of the Disic (Interministerial Directorate of Information and government communication systems), Jacques Marzin, publishes an article in CIO -Online.

“Better rationalization of SI of the state”

It sets out the importance of inter base of free software (SILL), which was published in February v2, which “makes it easy for IT services and contributes to a better rationalization of SI of the state”. The SILL reference for a given functionality, software and version.

Jacques Marzin recalls that selections SILL “result of the work of an interdepartmental organization dedicated to open source, formed a nucleus (the steering team) and representatives from the various ministries. Each referenced software, one of them is committed to testing the solution and validate the latest versions. Always with a view to appropriation .? by the departments

Why is it valuable selection for IT services It gives them something to clarify a complex world more than: FOSS move at unbelievable speed In this context, SILL each department avoids having to separately evaluate mature solutions, those that emerge, those on the rise and those in decline. “

However, the penetration of this base” will increase if one gives IT a real support in the deployment of such software, “so the SILL steering team” now publishes field guides based on feedback. The first migration to Postgres database management software. Follow other practices such documents on the Samba file server, or to configuration and virtualization tools. “

Economic criteria, temporal or sovereignty

Jacques Marzin emphasized that “far from a partisan and ideological posture, the choice whether or not a free solution must meet a set of objective criteria. Economic criteria (analysis of the full costs of the deployed software), technical (technology, performance, security, usability, mastery of skills, expertise, …) and time (duration of the project and its depreciation, obsolescence of technology .. .) or aspects of national sovereignty (typology, sustainability and community location). “

To build this analytical framework and better disseminate the interdepartmental work will require” a new dedicated interdepartmental governance , whose organization remains to be defined. “The director of the Disic pleads for members belonging to various ministries, and” a work force able to plan and launch targeted action in controlled manner. For this, public employers would agree that contributors of free agents can devote, over time, a significant portion of their work time to work on free software.

The strategy State on free software can no longer depend on volunteerism, altruism and skills of a small circle of enthusiasts. “

Italy and India as examples

Interviewed by NextInpact, says Jacques Marzin
  Hopefully the “Disic more prescriptive and directive
 terms of editorial policy than it has been so far. “He said
 as one of the priorities of the Disic is “getting accessibility
 LibreOffice “.

April, promotion association and defense of free software, naturally welcomes this commitment of the State in a statement. Where it points the way to more points . Director Disic who said he was not in favor of a requirement on free software policy “does indeed exist in any state in the world” according to him, however, highlights the association:

– in France, after several battles in Parliament priority to free software was written into law for a public service with the draft education law in July 2013

-. Italy launched in January 2014 a priority to free software in the administration

-. The Government of India published in March 2015 its “policy on the adoption of free software for the Indian government “which promotes the adoption of free software in government organizations as” preferred option “compared to proprietary software

public cloud. servers in France required

publishers of such proprietary software, exactly, obviously not appreciate seeing their threatened positions (think Microsoft among others the controversial contract with the Ministry of Defence, renewed until 2017). They just know via an article in Les Echos, titled “Information: American publishers sidelined by the administration” and published on May 28

The journalist explained about the review. General Repository Interoperability (RGI): “Currently, the state consults with industry on a new version of RGI Main point of tension. The new text excludes OpenXML, a mainly used in office suites Microsoft format, recommends ODF, a format of free software. “

The article quotes Loïc Rivière, CEO of the Afdel who” protested “that” the administration stimulus religious wars, while the coexistence of formats is now a reality accepted by everyone. ” Other subjects of scandal for proprietary software vendors, the possible creation of an in-house state-Mail for a million civil servants, and a call for tenders for a public cloud offering.

This “excluded any actor who would not have servers in France, such as Microsoft, Google or Amazon. But the policy of Jacques Marzin worried even those who are not concerned by recent decisions. ‘I do not like dynamic. Their fight is to block the road to some international actors. One might be concerned, ‘growls a European weight editor “[weight but bravely anonymous, TN].

Obviously, the lobbying is in full swing on the part of publishers. These are not numbers, laboriously provided by the ministries following requests from the MP (New Deal, related EELV) Isabelle Attard, on their IT spending, which will help: it was found that free software is fine and many a source of savings in government. The Ministry of the Interior, then occupied by Manuel Valls, indicated for example in October 2013 that implementation of a free mail in 2008 (Outlook change to Thunderbird) was “five times less expensive over time that a proprietary solution “and the deployment of the fleet management tool” 10 times cheaper than the previous proprietary tool. “

So shout anti-Americanism and nationalism is a possible parade. ? .. will it be sufficient

Read also

India: Administration open source initiates a turn – March 31, 2015

Microsoft Open Bar: free not an option for the Defence – January 23, 2014

Open source at the Interior Ministry: significant savings on several positions – October 17, 2013

Usage of free software in government, a circular and a letter from Jean-Marc Ayrault – September 23, 2012


Friday, May 29, 2015

The software is running Toyotism – Les Echos

It is now obvious: the software is everywhere and underpins a growing number of interactions between companies and their customers, partners and employees. Whether the added value of a product, improving customer relationship or flow optimization (queues, supplies, etc.), “everything” is based on the software. Or should. This increases the intelligence of everyday equipment and especially hidden in the heart of the most innovative ecosystems … and most lucrative.

Just look at the methods of GAFA and companies such as BMW or Tesla to be convinced. Not only is their success is based on direct services to the software, but also on the way as effective as discreet they deliver it to users across the entire value creation chain.

By consuming a service or software, the average Joe realizes indeed usually a small part of software foundation required for the activity that occupies. It ignores all the complex development process, the many iterations that separate the innovative idea of ​​the equally innovative service it consumes.

One of the strengths of these companies that have made their competitive advantage is to have software able to automate the grunt stages of software development based on the “continuous delivery “.

To understand the concept of “continuous delivery”, users of the Chrome browser have only wonder when was the last time they downloaded a version of the software . The answer is simple: they have had to do that on the day of installation. Unlike what was done before (and which also produced still for many software) updates are now integrated into the software without the user having to worry about it or do anything whatsoever.

This example simply illustrates how some reduce “friction” that is to say the upgrade steps, maintenance or simply the time lost due to bugs or breakdowns. Toyotism, based notably on a notion of continuous search for quality, and draws on the research of the “zero breakdowns, zero defects, zero delays”, already made use of this target to reduce this friction.

One of the main advantages of this approach applied to software development is that of providing users of the management of updates, the last taking place automatically, and Step outside, bringing new features and enhance the quality seamlessly.

If it is there that an almost caricatured vision of what actually the “continuous delivery”, it nevertheless gives an overview of operational efficiency who hides behind this concept. This software development process particularly flexible, which is to create and distribute continuously offering new releases for minor developments, where traditional publishers produced only a few major releases per year and stands for accelerated innovation users, reduced risk and for developers, for increased efficiency.

Companies that have taken the trend to grips have a transformative force that gives them a real edge. Amazon, for example, grows on average an update every 12 seconds! If there is only micro updated in a few weeks and at this breakneck pace, the level of service can be found extensively remodeled … not even have noticed the metamorphosis on.

If this operation is obvious to a company like Amazon, it is important to emphasize that it also applies to other large parts of the industry, including the automobile. With such Tesla cars of the brand through an update performed during the night will offer significant improvements, new features, higher security assurances, almost unbeknownst to their leader! Any company having once orchestrated a product recall transaction will hear the argument …

So Free, the most cautious companies to retain a traditional worldview while others strive to bring new features, more intelligence to objects … However, it is not certain that the first will win the race for differentiation.

And since it is a race that it requires that the companies are reviewing the way they develop software. We approached a revolution so far the software has been used as a crutch. Until then, a business idea emerged, developers were receiving instructions, they returned months later saying “this is what we could do for you.” Sometimes success was the rendezvous, sometimes not. The vision of the software was then very utilitarian: it was simply seen as a tool to “walk the box.”

This marked distinction between those in charge of business activities and the developers must go. Keep separate teams to deny that the software is the value of differentiation; So today emerges a trend that the software business.

The result is the emergence of cross-functional teams combining operational and developers for quick and frequent iterations, several times a month, a week or several times a day. With consequent increased ability to observe the results, to make decisions for the following iterations, and readjust if necessary. The feedback loops become much faster, and it is at this point that what I call “friction” decreases.

Compare the continued deployment to an engine whose many cogs fit together in the other. The more you accelerate, the engine runs more quickly, more heat its workings: the friction. If excessive friction, engine and heater breakage. For the engine running fast and well, we must remove as much as possible the friction. In the context of software deployment, eliminate friction while increasing the rate implicitly returns to automate processes.

The computer has always watched the process born in the hearts of heavy industries with distance and probably a bit of mockery (heavy equipment, complex, fragrant, slightly versus code, clean ). As software becomes more complex and becomes critical, I think it’s time for IT to build on the methods inherited from our industrial past.


Apple bought the editor of a augmented reality software – Bourse Les Echos

FRANKFURT, May 29 (Reuters) – Apple bought metaio, the German publisher of an augmented reality software, which lets you overlay on real-world objects elements virtually computer generated, show a regulatory document.

Financial terms of the acquisition were not disclosed but, according to a document released Thursday by a court in Munich, Apple is now the sole shareholder of the German company.

The reality software increased metaio is used among others by the large distribution companies, industry and automotive. It is also found in showrooms with virtual and real products like those offered by Ikea.

It also allows to create visual guides to locate in complex buildings or in industrial equipment .

Before the acquisition by Apple, shareholders were metaio Westcott LLC, the investment company of the entrepreneur Carl Westcott, founder of 1-800-Flowers florist, and Atlantic Bridge, a fund investment in Silicon Valley.

No comment could be obtained immediately from both companies.

metaio leaders and Apple did not want respond to questions from Reuters.

“Apple buys smaller technology companies from time, and we generally do not comment on our goals and projects,” said in a statement the firm at the apple.

Juniper Research Cabinet Analysts expect that the market for augmented reality technologies used in enterprises is increased tenfold this year to $ 2.4 billion, against 247 million last year.

metaio is in particular competition with the French Total Immersion and British Blippar, which bought last year the Dutch Layar

(Harro Ten Wolde. Claude Chendjou for the French service, edited by Marc Angrand)


Thursday, May 28, 2015

13.07.02 Release of the version of Apache OFBiz-software – LinuxFr

The Apache Foundation has released the 7.13.02 version of Apache OFBiz software. Apache OFBiz is an open source framework automation of business processes under the Apache 2.0 license. It can be used as business management software (ERP or PGI French) without modification.
Apache OFBiz is available on Linux, Windows and Mac.

This is’ a bug fix release to improve software stability (many bugs fixed, but also updates to components).

She now becomes the latest official stable release and users of Version 13.07.01 (released in October 2014, the first version on the corrective output 13.07 in July 2013) are invited to migrate to it.


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The small software company in the big leagues – the New Republic

Tiny niortaise digital society Cogivéa weaved a place with a customer management software. She now wants to seduce the industry.

I ls sell it? But we can do much better! It is based on this and this exclamation, discovering customer management software qu’utilisait his wife, the Niortais Frédéric Paillé kicked of Sending an adventure. On the model of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak who started like this by designing the Macintosh in a California garage, the IT service provider of mutual partnered with Gerard Boudaud like him who was speaking to Maaf, to perfect this tool.

In Rennes to West Exhibition Industry

“It took us two years, with the job every night, sometimes until midnight and on weekends. But in the end there is 8 years we have put our internet software as open source. It was thought then live services, that is to say sale training and adaptations necessary to use this software. But users were already accustomed to all free. Finally, it was proposed to the first customers to host our software on the cloud and offer a key benefit in hands as a subscription. Companies were delighted! “
Some 1,500 business and not just in the region – ” We have three clients on the Champs-Élysées “, ensures Frédéric Paillé – daily use the software via a simple Internet connection or from their smartphone to consult their client files, manage their calendars, quotes, orders, inventory, etc. For a few dollars per month subscription, the software is adapted to the specificities of their market sector, is constantly updated from Niort. The small team of Cogivéa, strong only five employees, housed in three years on the former site Camif on the lower level of employment center, and operates in a highly competitive industry, and makes figure of microbe face giants like … Microsoft. “Our strength is to be close to our customers, know them well. They love “
explains Frédéric Paillé Minuscule not forbidden to be ambitious. Cogivéa spent € 6,000 to afford a booth too tiny living in West Industry of Rennes. For three days (from 2 to 4 June), the small team of Niort will go convince industry that his hand-sewn software worth the giants.


The Adblock Plus software does not interfere with competition rules … – FranceTV info

Adblock does not break the law, according to German justice . The German company publisher of advertising blocking software Adblock Plus won, Wednesday, May 27, the trial that intentaient him two German media, said the Munich court

& gt;. & Gt; Read also: Is it really bad block ads on the Internet

The German TV channels RTL and ProSiebenSat.1 believed that the company in question, EYEO, based in Cologne (? west), hindered competition rules, endangering the economic model of financing of websites through advertising. But the Munich court found that the supply and distribution of the software constituted “not anti-competitive handicap” to the complainant companies.

The court further noted that the decision whether to install the software and not the responsibility of users of the company editor of the software. Free and easily downloadable, ad blocking programs, including Adblock Plus is the most famous, can equip its internet browser with a few clicks. Their development worries website publishers and players in advertising, the main source of funding of content.

In Germany, the company has already won EYEO end of April a first court victory in Hamburg, facing two press groups, Zeit Online GmbH Handelblatt GmbH.

On the same subject


Millions of Android users infected by malware … – Le Journal du Geek

Minecraft is an absolute card on Android (and other platforms) and malignant ones enjoy the application’s success to spread shit malware on our smartphones.


Indeed, the ESET company indicates that 33 applications cheat devoted to the famous game of Mojang hide scareware. The method is simple: the installed applications do not work but indicate that your smartphone is infected (which is not the case). He then asks you to send an activation SMS to help you fight against the virus and if you do, then you are truly infected.

Send SMS you subscribe indeed a tool sending premium SMS, and some of them can even reach up to € 5 per month. Google has taken action by removing these apps, but ESET believes nonetheless that 600,000 to 2.8 million users have been infected with the malware.

The moral cheat on Minecraft, it’s bad



Tuesday, May 26, 2015

EOS imaging obtained the CE mark for kneeEOS, the first … –

kneeEOS is the second offering of the software suite “Cloud Based” 3D surgical planning of EOS to receive the CE mark

Regulatory News:

EOS imaging (Paris: EOSI) (Euronext, FR0011191766 – EOSI), the pioneer of the orthopedic medical imaging 2D / 3D ad today kneeEOS CE marking first 3D planning software for total knee replacement, based on bi-planar EOS images. The company will present kneeEOS 16 th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT) held from 27 to 29 May in Prague.

kneeEOS is the second offering from the portfolio of software applications based on EOS imaging after hipEOS which obtained the CE mark and FDA approval in 2014. These 3D surgical planning software s ‘based on both 2D / 3D EOS low dose and technologies OneFit Medical, a company acquired in 2013 by EOS imaging kneeEOS be deployed as an online service to assist surgeons in the simulation of alignment of the patient’s leg in the operative position, for selection of prosthetic knee implants and for their placement on the basis of 2D / 3D images produced by the EOS system.

Marie Meynadier, Executive Director of EOS imaging, said, “The alignment of the lower limb and optimal implant positioning are recognized as critical for the success of the prosthetic knee surgery. kneeEOS is the first 3D planning software in the upright functional position and we are proud to be, thanks to this new service at the forefront of 3D surgical planning tools, and thus continue to develop the potential of the EOS technology to orthopedic surgeons and their patients. After hipEOS and EOS 3D Service, kneeEOS illustrates the development of our online services, based on unique images provided by EOS and the anatomical markers of patients associated with them. “

EOS® system provides stereo-2D and 3D X-ray images of the entire body of the patient in the operative position, at lower radiation doses from 50% to 85% as the standard X-ray systems, and 95% lower than the doses delivered by the simplest CT scans, as well as related software solutions. The new option Micro Dose EOS recently cleared by the FDA, allows for follow-up examinations of children and teenagers with scoliosis, in accordance with the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable), at a dose equivalent to that of a natural radiation week on Earth.

For more information about the Company or EOS®, the first 2D imaging system / 3D whole-body low-dose radiation, please visit http: // www

EOS imaging has been selected to join the index EnterNext SMEs © PEA-150, composed of 150 French companies listed on Euronext markets and Alternext . in Paris

EOS imaging is listed on Euronext Paris – Compartment C of Euronext
ISIN: FR0011191766 – Ticker: EOSI

Next press release: Financially the 1 st semester 2015, 20 July 2015 (after the close of financial markets).

About EOS imaging

The EOS imaging group designs, develops and markets EOS®, an innovative imaging medical device based on the work Nobel Prize in Physics Georges Charpak, and related applications. The Group has obtained authorization for placing on the market in 48 countries, including the United States (FDA), Japan, and the European Union (EC). The Group achieved in 2014 a turnover of EUR 20.1 million and employs 107 staff, including R & amp Team; D 39 engineers. The Group is headquartered in Paris and has four subsidiaries: in France in Besançon, in the US in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in Montreal, Canada and Germany in Frankfurt, as well as an office in Singapore.


Monday, May 25, 2015

The IRS is reluctant to reveal the source code of its software – Next INpact

In March, the Commission on Access to Administrative Documents (CADA) estimated that the software source code for calculation of income tax was communicable citizens. New sacred! However, three months later, this release has obviously very difficult to break through the thick walls of Bercy.

CADA is a very useful authority for the documents jealously held by public authorities. We had already tested, each time successfully, in respect of the Hadopi, the CNIL, or the Ministry of Culture. A power input was detonated in 2014: a researcher wished indeed have communication software source code simulating the calculation of tax on income of natural persons

Surprise.! In January 2015, in its response, CADA considered that “ computer files constituting the source code solicited, produced by the General Directorate of Public Finance as part of its public service mission, are of the nature of administrative documents . “In short: the computer code is considered a single administrative document, communicable via a CADA procedure, making the request

This almost historic opinion was not a first. as we have thought so. In 2012 already, this time a person had requested access to the source code of INSA Toulouse recruitment software. The director of this public engineering school it was, however, opposed on the grounds that his wish “ is equivalent to a request for detailed scale adopted by the Inter-INSA admissions committee .” But CADA replied that on the contrary, the famous software code was also there perfectly communicable (CADA’s opinion).

The green light CADA did not weigh, for now

For the most recent case, Bercy had first attempted to oppose a technical argument: the scattered files of tax calculation simulator is like “ document was requested be regarded as non-existent in the absence of automated processing in common use may produce a comprehensible version of . “

But the argument is not considered, since for the CADA “ the assessment of the administration that the envisaged reuse would encounter technical difficulties or even a physical impossibility, can not justify the refusal to disclose the requested document in the state where the administration holds . ” Better, it considers that the applicant ‘ is free to use it as provided in Article 12 of the Law of 17 July 1978, in the absence of intellectual property rights held by third parties in the administration , including the director general of public finances does not mention . ” The article said that, unless approved by the administration, code reuse is possible, provided that the information “ not be adversely affected, as their sense is not denatured and that their sources and date their last update are mentioned . “

A few months after that notice, which is forcing anything, where is this? “ For now, these are only good words, tells us that a researcher at the origin of the request (call it MX, the latter preferring to remain anonymous). This is at the stage where you can expect the response of the minister’s office. I plan to attack the coup before the administrative courts.

Give the code Etalab, give the code to everyone

But why have requested a source code? “ I have two goals for this request. Ideally this would be to change attitudes Administration . This is more uncertain and very ambitious “conscent it. The other concerns directly OpenFisca, the open micro-simulation engine that can calculate a large number of social benefits and taxes. Supported by the Etalab mission within the General Secretariat for the modernization of public action, this tool a nice educational purpose: to help citizens better understand the social and tax system (see article)

<. p> Our researcher would therefore qu’OpenFisca “ can grow much faster enjoying the source code so you do not have to recode what has already been done by the General Directorate of Public Finance .” Of course, these advances could also facilitate the commercial sector or even compete for the distribution of free simulators.

And the side of the Ministry of Economy?

Side ministry, things done. At their own pace. Three months after the CADA episode in a “ Note to the Minister ” we read, Bruno Parent, Director of the Tax Department (Public Finance Directorate), blows hot and cold .

source notes CADA Minister bercy Extract from the internal memo to the Minister DGFiP

He knows, by the CADA is not binding. “ The administration could therefore maintain its refusal to position .” However, he predicts hiccups: “ If it continues to refuse despite the positive opinion issued by CADA administration is liable to an action for abuse of power before the administrative judge, but also a risk image of a closed and opaque administration operation. “Yes, keep secret piping tax calculation is spot when ministers are constantly singing in chorus the praises of the Open Data …

Bercy for, not without fear

On the one hand, such a release is risky: “ The source code can reveal the finest in its detail, biases the interpretation of the tax doctrine “confesses unblushingly the official said. It is therefore understood that the ministry wants to move forward with cat care, probably because the enlightened interpretations to light by the code will be operated with a vengeance by the tax law firms … “ There articles in the tax code that open the way to several possible interpretations. Anyone should be able to see how they do “MX reacts its part, the person making the referral.

 Minister CADA notes The source code can reveal” Bias “DGFiP the interpretation of tax law.

Another danger is that of allowing a third party “ to provide a tax simulation tool that would allow the analysis to the contrary to those of the government, themselves made using a tool of administration “or” tools to develop independent tax reform simulation “explains Bruno Parent. “ To simulations, it is still necessary that the state gives sufficient data for simulations ” nevertheless relativized MX

Weighing the pros and cons, despite intends DGFiP all respond positively to the request of the citizen on condition that it is clear “ all responsibility for any use that may be made and any warranty support for its use ” .

Why this cautious response but positive? On one, because the software is that computer translation of the Tax Code and tax doctrine, “ themselves free access of citizens .” Two, because “ Transparency Tax liquidation rules seems obvious in a democratic republic and an acceptability factor of tax .” Another argument in favor of opening “ The ability to reuse this source code for the purpose of research or simulation can only encourage informed public debate around the tax, especially at parliamentary level “. Finally, “ the proactive policy of the government towards more open data (Open Data) goes in this direction .”

The Ministry of Economy anticipates a phenomenon of flashover

Notably, Bruno Parent also predicts a risk of epidemic, with regard to the source code of computer applications developed by other administrations. “ Although it excludes programs contributing to the research tax offenses (exception in the law CADA), this opinion focused on interdepartmental information systems of the state, is not shared by DGFiP and should be promptly informed in law. An inter-ministerial consultation is justified, many other ministries and public institutions can be involved on topics they consider strategic.

Two lessons in this passage: first, the issue of access to the source code still divided. In our columns, Jacques Marzin, a number of inter-ministerial Directorate of Information and government communication systems (Disic) xeemple fears that this could lead the government to turn away from free software: “ I would not as a side effect, it brings the administration to choose only proprietary software for failing to provide their code ‘we’ he said last week.

On the other hand, the importance of this issue is considered as a referral for the opinion of the State Council is suggested to the government. It will indeed have a right to lighting the highest administrative court against the big maneuvers ahead

Meanwhile, MX impatient. “ This shocks me. Why wait over a year to make a decision dictated by the law? “In preparation for the next referral to the administrative courts, this researcher has in any case already topping its future targets “ The day I got the source code for the income tax, I will make similar demands for other .” This confirms expectations of the ministry.

The annoyance of April

This time for artistic skating as much annoys the April, the Association for the Promotion of Free Software: “ If we summarize the situation: CADA says DGFiP must contact the source asked the director of the Tax Department considers the source code to be transmitted, but nothing happens and Mr. X sees coming. It’s like a little in the house that crazy of “Twelve Tasks of Asterix”. It is time that the French government recalls its purpose to serve the citizens and make proof of its modernity . “

Couchet Frederick, managing director of the association, continues its momentum, “ The tax is one of the foundations of our Republic, and transparency, a condition that allows the citizen to accept it. So even if the opinion of the CADA is not binding, DGFiP can not ignore them. It would be normal DGFiP shall grant the request and broadcasts the same source code under a free license. Hide the algorithms that implement the law, and in this case the calculation of income tax, makes no sense.


Saturday, May 23, 2015

The bonus and computer software – South West


ow to approach a game where you must take the offensive bonus to put the odds on his side? That is the question that arises in Bayonne, in search of a holding which does not depends on them (see cons below). “It is not usual, confirms scrumhalf William Rouet. We know that four points might not be enough not. But that does not mean we should send the game around quickly or play penalties. “

It will be understood, the priority will be to quickly detach and then try to enter a maximum of testing. “It’s like a house, you must first build the foundations, picture winger Joe Rokocoko all-black. We must be very smart because we must not forget that we must defend. This will be the key point. Before this line, you must have the same attitude that attack. “

In real time: Top 14 or Pro D2

While Rochelais announce that they will not come to smell the sea air – they already have at home – one can imagine that they will not cling to the end if the Bayonne had the good idea to take off. Would therefore have a look at other results. Although, Patricio Noriega would have spent to set that does not show on the giant screen of the stadium … “At worst, we turn a blind eye, jokes Jean Monribot. Seriously, we remain focused on already. “

The staff, he will not be caught unawares. A technical device, run by two analysts videos, was set up. “We created an array of computing that deals with the case of equality,” says Nicolas Buffa, the lead analyst. His assistant, Gerald Romanzin, will have the exclusive task of managing in real time. Each evolution of scores, two boxes are shown instantly verdict: Top 14 and Pro D2.

L. Z.


Friday, May 22, 2015

Poker Calculator: a clean French software PMU Poker – Poker Club

Poker Calculator software provides a number of cool features as the integration to the table data and Sharkscope PokerEdge. For now, only the PMU poker players, however, may benefit

 Poker Calculator: a clean French PMU Poker software

A glimpse of the interface

The tracker to the decidedly French emulated. After Xeester, here Poker Calculator ! Rémy Louat, the developer, plans to leave his job in IT services company to become an entrepreneur. To achieve this, he decided to combine business with pleasure by creating a software dedicated to his heart Room: PMU Poker. “ For now, the software does not work on PMU ,” said Remy, “ but it is already used by the Most regular players and seems on track to conclude a future partnership with the room, which I have met with officials Monday . “

If Poker-term Calculator will likely be compatible with PartyPoker and Bwin, the choice not propose at this time to only one room is a serious handicap. So to seduce many regulars PMU, Rémy has chosen not to be content with the traditional features of a tracker. The software presents itself as a real Swiss Army knife , in particular with the operation of Sharkscope data for tournaments and PokerEdge for cash games.

In one click, all the statistics of the participants of the game and can be synchronized with the table and show them directly without having to open another platform like PokerTableRatings to profile opponents. A significant advantage over the competition, but unsurprisingly resulting in a Cost highest than the average for the user: 19.90 € for a one-month subscription, € 149 for a license for the year

Video:. the presentation of the software by LilScrappy, a PMU Poker reg


Thursday, May 21, 2015

Software: the transition to SaaS stimulates growth – Silicon

73 publishers in Top 100 Digital (new name of the GSL 100), the software accounts for 61% of the cumulative turnover (8.8 billion euros, 13 %) of companies ranking by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), the French Association of Internet software and solutions vendors (Afdel) and the National Union of gaming (SNJV). Boosted by SaaS, growth accelerates in logiciel.



The gendarmerie new software to predict crime – Rue89

“Prevent the facts do come true”, that is the ambition of a new predictive software experienced by the national gendarmerie to anticipate major trends in crime in the area. Already tested in Bavaria and Switzerland, and used in California, this type of software was still new in France

The idea is to analyze certain categories of frequent offenses. – Burglary, theft, drug trafficking or sexual assault. – that occurred the last five years, in an attempt to draw patterns and predict where and when they could be renewed in the coming months

This ” exponential smoothing “is processed by the department heads. “To them then adapt their means and to best exploit these criminal information in their areas,” wrote 20 Minutes. For example by increasing the number of patrols around the shops.

Read on


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Crash A400M manager software engines in the viewfinder of … – The

Airbus Defence and Space (Airbus DS) has ordered all its customers an inspection of their aircraft A400M military transport, a copy of which crashed in Seville (southern Spain) in early May. “DS Airbus sent an alert Operational notes (AOT) to all operators of the A400M to inform an inspection to be performed on the fleet” , announced Tuesday the aircraft manufacturer in a statement. Currently, twelve A400M are in service in five countries. This decision was taken following the discovery of a potential anomaly on the computer system managing engines. According to Reuters, the preliminary findings would point it’s more of a quality issue than
assembly design.

Note “asks operators perform specific and regular checks of the ECU (the electronic control unit, ie) on each engine of the aircraft before flight and perform additional checks after possible replacement engine or ECU “. The ECU is one of the two computers that make up the complex computer system control and monitoring motors (FADEC), developed by the German group MTU Aero Engines. The FADEC had already been the cause of many delays of the A400M program.

The FADEC ( Full Automatic Digital Engine Control ) is a system computer responsible for controlling motors, which equips all modern aircraft. The FADEC consists of the A400M, for engine, two computers and their software. The two computers are the Engine Control Unit (ECU), responsible for motor control and propeller, and Engine Protection and Monitoring Unit (EPMU) overseeing critical functions in the event of failure of the ECU and to provide the information necessary for maintenance. The FADEC A400M is particularly complex: it includes instructions 275.000, against about 90,000 for those of the A380 or the Rafale. The complexity is increased by the inclusion of the regulation of the propeller and nacelle equipment.

DS Airbus has so far not established a link with the accident at the A400M in Spain, which has 4 dead – two pilots and two engineers – and two seriously injured on 9 May. The device, which was on a test flight before delivery to Turkey scheduled for July, crashed shortly after takeoff. The group said it had sent this information “immediately, the authorities responsible for the investigation” in Spain.

A software problem?

The investigation is being conducted by the Commission of technical survey of military aircraft accidents (CITAAM), which will present its findings to the Spanish magistrate hearing the case. According to an expert of the sector on condition of anonymity, the potential problem identified by Airbus DS may result in loss of control of engine power. The magazine website “Der Spiegel” citing sources in the entourage of Airbus evoked as a possible cause of the accident a software problem that would have led to the discontinuation of three engines, a technical problem against which the pilots could do anything.

In his note, Airbus DS simply indicates that “to avoid any potential risk during flights coming (he) has informed the actions of operators necessary to perform “. These elements result “internal analyzes Airbus DS and is part of its ongoing airworthiness, regardless of the official investigation underway” , according to the note. This would mean that incidents have already been identified during previous flights.

The black boxes not used

As a sign of confidence in the unit, Airbus has organized 12 May 1st test flight from Toulouse to Marseille on board the boss of Airbus Military, Fernando Alonso. But Turkey, Germany, the United Kingdom and Malaysia have maintained A400M flights suspended pending the results of the investigation. Measures confirmed by Berlin and Ankara after the announcement of the DS Airbus warning note. Only France, which has the largest number of A400M (6 copies) and that has permissions for the priority flights in operation.

In Paris, the Defense Ministry recalled after Airbus announced this warning notes DS have “ordered earlier this year a report to Tom Enders (the CEO of Airbus Group, parent, ed) on capacity and of the A400M delivery schedule “. “We expect the response to early summer before making a decision on the A400M” , the ministry said.

In Germany, army Air Airbus received warning note and is currently studying it. The Defense Ministry, however, stressed that the manufacturer can not establish that these are the cause of the accident because they have not yet been compared to the data of the black boxes of the device. These have not yet been exploited, said a source close to the matter told AFP. In Madrid, the Ministry of Defence has refused to comment before the results of the investigation. The Spanish Minister of Defence, Pedro Morenes, ruled on the suspension of flights, while the A400M in Seville is produced.

A curses program

Technical problems on engines for the A400M are largely responsible for the woes of the program, the first aircraft was delivered in 2013, four years late. The TP400 turboprop designed by EPI Europrop International consortium, which includes the French Snecma (Safran group), the British Rolls Royce, ITP Spanish and German MTU.

The program also known to significant additional costs, with a final bill of around 30 billion euros against just over 20 billion initially planned. A total of 174 A400M aircraft have been ordered by eight countries.


100 Digital: DS, Ubisoft and Criteo lead the dance … – The Digital Factory

 The French digital is in top form. This is what emerges from the 100 Digital, ranking the top 100 players in the sector, published May 19, 2015 by Afdel (French association of software publishers and Internet solutions), the SNJV (National Union of video games) and PwC office. Its sales jumped 13% in 2014 to almost 8.4 billion euros, representing a marked acceleration compared to 2013 when growth was 6%.

 Internet services remain the main driver of this development, with a burst of 27%. They are followed by video games, which rose by 13%. If DS still tops the ranking, with a turnover in software and Internet service over 2 billion euros, up 8.2%, the Ubisoft video game publisher grants second place with an income of 1.44 billion euros, up 14.6%. The specialist internet services Criteo advertising comes in third, with a turnover of 745 million euros and a growth of 68%.


  Top 10 overall




  (1) The figure for France Dassault S is an estimate

 (2) Estimates – Year ending 31/03/2013

 (3) The Company does not recognize the validity of this estimate

  No ETI enough

 Even the software (excluding games) accelerates expansion with growth of 10%, against only 2% in 2013. This improvement is explained by the migration of publishers to the SaaS model (Software as a service). The 66 publishers, who sell the software on the cloud, see their income on this model to grow 15%. But paradoxically, DS is not even in the top 20 SaaS providers. “This is due to the specificity of CAD and PLM software market , justifies Jamel Labed, president of the Afdel. Here, the model of the cloud has not yet developed as in customer relationship management software or human resources. “

 The outlook is radiant. “Beyond the cloud, other locomotives as big data, internet objects or the digital factory will make the development of French in the digital future” says the boss the Afdel. But the sector remains highly fragmented with very few medium-sized companies (ETI). Only twelve players make more than 100 million euros of turnover and the top ten will account for 65% of the Top 100 of income.

  Struggling to find financing

 SMEs and very small businesses, which form the overwhelming majority of the 3,000 French publishers are still struggling to grow up to enter the ETI category. “If it becomes easy in France to fund the creation of start-up, it remains difficult to finance growth, says Jamel Labed. Gold software requires heavy funding. From that we need 10 or 20 million, were struggling to find financing. This is why we must create a European NASDAQ. “

 However, the situation moves through consolidation. The turnover of the 100th ranking rose and 10 million euros in 2013 to 14 million in 2014. In order to grow faster, actors like Ullink, GFI Informatique, Berger-Levrault, Oodrive or chose TalentSoft external growth. “And for the first time, redemptions of foreign players by French exceed those of French foreign” , welcomes Jamel Laded. A trend to be confirmed.

  Ridha Loukil


  Top 10 software companies

 Includes licenses, maintenance & amp; support, SaaS (excluding consulting / integration / training)




  Top 10 in Internet services




 (1) The company does not recognize the validity of this estimate

 (2) Does not take into account the share of sales donated to E-retailers (Software publishers …)


  Top 10 video game publishers




 (1) Estimates – Year ending 31/03/2013

 (2) Data in 2013 on which the company wants to communicate only

 (3) estimates from the first 9 months



Incwo, 100% cloud software dedicated to the SOHO / SME – Le Parisien

Sandrine Bajos | 19 May 2015, 11:02 | Updated: May 19, 2015, 11:05

An engineer and entrepreneur at heart. Computer enthusiast, William Besse did not wait to be a graduate of the prestigious Ecole Centrale to create his company. While still a student, he started with his first promo pals computer consulting company and won Apple as the main customer.

The young engineer comfortably finance his studies and acquired a taste for entrepreneurship. Except for a two-year stint at Publicis where he directed the subsidiary Publicis Technology, William Besse, 43, has several new businesses to its credit. He founded NFactory, a syndication expert content on the Internet that he subsequently sold to the German group Bertelsmann.

Manage small businesses as large

It was after a year off “deserved and very rewarding,” he decided to launch Incwo, a company dedicated to SMEs. He surrounded himself with Delphine Savory, loyal No. 2 since the beginning. Originally, “our goal is to help entrepreneurs to create and administer their company through a set of tools available on the Internet, a kind of supermarket onlin e,” says Guillaume Besse.

The Cloud of betting

But the young TPE trouble finding its business model and in 2012, it changed its tune. While keeping the same team and the same structure, it is the cloud of the bet by offering a single management software. Sold by subscription, this software allows employers to SOHO / SME “manage their business as big.” With a few clicks, “they can quote or edit their billing, share data with their customers, or analyze their sales and performance. Since March, we offer appointments online booking system, “says the founder of Incwo. “We have also developed interactive tools to aid decision under the current management of the company. This allows a leader by example to provide that if such a contract is signed, it will employ so many people. “

Six times cheaper than its US competitors

Incwo, which more and more merchants as customers, also launched the first software cash register that allows iPad to collect and edit receipts, but also to manage the product catalog, inventory, purchase orders …

 Even if he does not intend for the time compete with US giants like SAP, whose elaborate services for large businesses minimum cost at 100,000 euros, the little French has opted to slash prices. “A comparable software, we are so 6 times cheaper than the US Salesforces”, says Guillaume Besse. It costs 19 euros per month to a company for 2 people connected and then it’s 10 euros per additional person. And today Incwo has succeeded! Former TPE, which employs 15 people, already has 4,500 customers, more than 90% French. 100% owned by its founder, it has also successfully met the challenge of doubling every year its turnover.

Going international

Having been proven in the hexagon, where its development margins are almost limitless, counting our 2 countries, 7 million TPE Incwo eyeing internationally. “We will soon launch an English version of our software, announced its president. And we are also very attentive to what is happening in Africa as unintentionally we already have an African customer! “

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Monday, May 18, 2015

Real estate software: major developments through technology – JDN

How real estate has been transformed by the development of storage technology and customer use.

 customer expectations with respect to real estate agencies
 are becoming more sophisticated: the simple brochure site, and slideshows
 monotonous, is widely exceeded. The time for
 2.0 agencies arrived with his retinue of apps
 and real software. A brief overview of
 main innovations of the sector which prove that advanced
 fingerprints are seen in all sectors.

 The cloud computing revolution

This is
 the major advance in terms of software
 real estate. The cloud allows dematerialisation and
 storing information on the Internet. And if there is one sector
 which produces information, it is real estate
 : Leases, management contracts, inventories of fixtures …
 So this is the end of the paperwork in office?
 Almost. Imagine with all documents available in digital format,
 real estate agents can make a sale anywhere,
 via their mobile or touch pad.

A glitch, a setback
 ? They have the opportunity to hand in
 a colleague without any difficulty. Furthermore, the
 cloud storage allows simplified classification. No need to
 down to the archives to retrieve a document from Methuselah.

And it is
 no question that customers do not take advantage of this too
 simplification. The agent can, via access
 secure, share with them all
 documents relating to: account reports condominium
 or buyers visit, receipts for
 tenants, etc.

 the pudding: the electronic signature allows to go
 to the end of a paperless process.
 Available via applications such as DocuSign, the electronic signature makes
 can the sale of goods from a phone
 portable. For the realtor, who spends most
 part of his working day by car, it is
 a small revolution.

(http image : //

 geolocation thins

If use
 geolocation in real estate software is
 not in itself a novelty, this technology is not
 nonetheless constantly changing and
 features are always more accurate. In a
 Initially, real estate professionals have feared geolocation
 thinking that the customer could find a property on a map and contact his
 owner, doubling the agency.

 making best use of this technology, geolocation turns
 be a major asset. It allows jumble

 Locate well compared to infrastructure
 health, education, culture

 Quick selection of goods by
 relative to desired areas by the client

– Briefly present the product (price,
 surface, etc.) through
 pop-up options appear mouseover

 Compare goods in one glance

– Perform a complete selection
 based on price, surface or any other criterion set
 on the estate software selected

In addition,
 to avoid short-circuit, agencies may remain blurred
 as to the address of the property
 merely to indicate more or less precise areas
 as explained in this article. Geolocation guard
 without betraying its meaning, if any, the exclusive contract
 real estates.

 real estate software, mobile apps are full

Whether it
 either to meet your soul mate, to consult
 his bank account or to shop this week, the phone
 (Which, remember, was once used to call)
 is the essential tool … well, for this! Not
 question then for the real estate industry to move its mobile app. Or
 its mobile apps, since almost every agency offers its solution.

For the client, that’s all benef
 He can select his property, plan appointments for
 visits, receive alerts on the status of the transaction …
 For advertisers, it is a different story. It
 to choose the best for his client app, which will be
 both easy to use, friendly and yet
 complete. Some offer agencies to create
 themselves their mobile app.

Just like the creation
 house of a website, this alternative is
 taken lightly. The development of mobile apps is
 a real job, you better leave it
 Professional real estate software. To be
 sure, just estimate the cost of the time you
 will spend to develop an app
 rather than generate
 of revenue for your business. Add to
 a result that it never will “pro”
 and you will find that DIY is still too expensive in
 real estate software. Here,
 a top 3 to monitor.

The importance
 the responsive design

 these technological advances, these enhancements software
 Real are useless if they disregard design
 responsive or adaptive design. Indeed, one can add all apps
 art, the most beautiful 3D tours and the best service
 online transaction, if the site does not fit
 all media (telephone, computer,
 Touch and tomorrow tablet, connected watches …)
 the effort will be zero.

For the different features
 a site to express their potential and donn²er
 full satisfaction to the customer as to the agency, design
 Adaptive applies to allow optimal viewing regardless
 that is the tool used. The responsive design is
 guaranteed to have a user-friendly site that fits
 to all terminals (computer, tablet, smartphone).

 Moreover, it helps answer
 a search faster by displaying only the elements
 most relevant to users. For purists, the classic version of
 website remains available for regulars to the original display. If you
 Want to know more about responsive design, do not hesitate
 not to read this article.

 acclaimed virtual tours

 such as geolocation, the virtual tour is not completely
 Unknown estate agencies. But experience
 has evolved from a simple slideshow that was
 scroll pictures of more or less quality
 and often suffer abuse of wide angle. Henceforth,
 and it is precisely linked to
 the use of smartphones and tablets, agencies
 put the package on the virtual visits. Or how to choose home
 from the sofa. Today visits
 Virtual may even be accompanied by a
 realtor, real him. What constitutes a solution to
 halfway between the virtual tour and video conferencing,
 as explained in this article

This initiative is in line
 of paperless while allowing
 the real estate agent as
 the buyer to make contact in the serious prospect
 a signing contract. A real step
 in the buying journey, even if the visit
 Virtual can not completely substitute
 reality. To go even further in the
 principle of virtuality is announced for very
 soon democratization tours in 3D, thanks
 the port of suitable glasses. Visiolab, the Toulouse SME that produces these
 glasses, has already
 because of its real estate market
 lighthouse. To be continued!

 complete this overview, we should not miss
 report strong activity of real estate agencies
 on social networks. They are no less
 largely integrated into strategies
 development and communication agencies. This is
 including the opportunity to highlight property, interact
 with the community of employees and customers
 develop its brand language.


The software is riding the digitization of the economy – Les Echos

The first 100 French software vendors saw their revenue rise 10% last year


“The software eats the world” , launched four years ago Marc Andreessen, the founder of Netscape. This finding is reflected as the world goes digital. The first 100 French software players, identified by PwC, the Afdel (which defends the software publishers) and the National Union of video games, last year saw their sales jump by 10% to 5.6 billion euros, against 2% last year.

First growth factor acquisitions. Publishers such as Dassault Systèmes, Talentsoft, GFI or Axway continued their shop in 2014. “The balance was positive for the French. We buy more than we redeemed “, says Jamal Labed, Afdel president and co-founder of EasyVista, an editor of Saas (” Software as a service “software sold as service). This is not necessarily sustainable. The Americans, who have considerable firepower, remain in ambush. There are two years, Adobe took over the French Neolane to $ 600 million.

Successful Saas

Another reason for this success: the industry is finally beginning to enjoy the Saas. The shift to the software sold as a subscription is intensive technology investments. In addition, publishers face a depression in their turnover, time that subscriptions catching license sales once paid in by customers. “We started the Saas there 10 years. It takes some time to enjoy it “, recognizes Jamal Labed. The amounts of Saas still modest. Number one ranking “Saas” Ullink, solutions provider for the financial markets, last year generated 90 million euros, a drop compared to 2 billion Dassault Systèmes, the first French editor. Number 3 of Saas, Cegid achieved thanks to him 48 million euros turnover, a quarter of its traditional sales.

Last motor finance. The banking and insurance specialist publishers have increased dramatically, driven in particular by international acquisitions. Their turnover has almost doubled, to 790 million euros.

Competition arrives from everywhere

If the stars are aligned for the sector, publishers need to benefit be present in the process of innovation. For competition arrived from all sides, and some Internet companies, whose expertise is primarily software, are experiencing much higher growth rates to traditional actors (see below). Thus, PwC has compiled a ranking of the top 100 digital players including alongside publishers, Internet companies and game publishers. “All these trades are based on the software, even if the different economic models” , justifies Pierre Marty, partner at PwC. The consolidated turnover of the first 100 players grew 13% year on year to 8.8 billion euros. But the number one industry, Dassault Systèmes, is dogged by Ubisoft (video games) and especially by Criteo, one of the stars of French Net.

Besides, borders become increasingly porous between the traditional and the digital industry companies. The payment terminal manufacturer Ingenico has taken Ogone (payment on the Internet), Safran acquired Dictao, a publisher of security solutions, and Schneider Electric acquired Invensys (industrial software) for 3.8 billion euros. Now Uber competition taxis G7 BlaBlaCar rivals SNCF and Accor.

Strong breakthrough of Net companies

The first 20 French companies recorded a growth of Net 27 % to € 1.7 billion in revenue, according to PwC. With 68% growth to 745 million revenue, Criteo takes all. Teads, founded by Pierre Chappaz saw its income increase by nearly 30% to 77 million. “The downside remains access to finance which limits the expansion speed,” moderates Pierre Marty, PwC.

The game focuses around Ubisoft

L ‘French video game industry is virtually indistinguishable from Ubisoft, the turnover of 1.4 billion euros weighs 76% of the total. He beat Gameloft, founded by the siblings Guillemot, and 227 million euros. In recent years, the sector is highly concentrated in the needs of ever-increasing effect on investments.

Sandrine Cassini

Nanocloud transforms a click any software solution … – Le Parisien

THE PLACE TO START UP OF PARIS ECONOMY WITH PARIS & amp; CO (Anne-Charlotte Alfonsi) | May 18, 2015, 1:47 p.m. | Updated: May 18, 2015, 1:52 p.m.

If digital is very buoyant in France, the leading companies are almost all American. But Nanocloud shows that it is possible for a French start up to get a place on the cloud market. Founded in 2015, the editor turns into a click any software in Cloud solution without retouch existing code.

Customers are exclusively “B2B”: software companies and large enterprises whose applications are intended to be propelled in the cloud to meet new uses

The company. was founded by Dominique Rodrigues, Erfane Arwani David Amara, Cédric Carbone Menez and Frederic. All are all from this area. They have mostly an American experience that has taught them to make the customer the center of their concerns and their strategy. The team will create, from the Parisian ecosystem, a well established company in France and North America.

Rare and appreciated skills

“This is to show that we are able to go much further than simply start up French that merely sell to Google. France has nothing to envy to the United States. There are rare skills at home, very popular there, and the quality of local engineering is excellent, “says Erfane Arwani.

The anticipation is also the watchword of the team. “Our customers first have a specific need which leads them to enter the cloud. Then they realize that the technological capabilities of our platform are huge and this often leads them to change their business model, “says David. The technology then develops with the customer truly like the partnership with HP or collaboration with Intel on the graphics in the cloud.

The start up is growing rapidly, and higher than expected Account from 9 to 20 employees next year. The immediate fundraising than 1.5 million will be completed in early June with financial players very dynamic and serious. This amount will be used to further industrialise processes and increase customer references. A second round of funding will be necessary to go to settle in the United States.

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