Two and half years after the publication of the circular of Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault on the use of free software in government, there is clearly more work to be done and resistance outside. Illustration these days.
On May 19, the director of the Disic (Interministerial Directorate of Information and government communication systems), Jacques Marzin, publishes an article in CIO -Online.
“Better rationalization of SI of the state”
It sets out the importance of inter base of free software (SILL), which was published in February v2, which “makes it easy for IT services and contributes to a better rationalization of SI of the state”. The SILL reference for a given functionality, software and version.
Jacques Marzin recalls that selections SILL “result of the work of an interdepartmental organization dedicated to open source, formed a nucleus (the steering team) and representatives from the various ministries. Each referenced software, one of them is committed to testing the solution and validate the latest versions. Always with a view to appropriation .? by the departments
Why is it valuable selection for IT services It gives them something to clarify a complex world more than: FOSS move at unbelievable speed In this context, SILL each department avoids having to separately evaluate mature solutions, those that emerge, those on the rise and those in decline. “
However, the penetration of this base” will increase if one gives IT a real support in the deployment of such software, “so the SILL steering team” now publishes field guides based on feedback. The first migration to Postgres database management software. Follow other practices such documents on the Samba file server, or to configuration and virtualization tools. “
Economic criteria, temporal or sovereignty
Jacques Marzin emphasized that “far from a partisan and ideological posture, the choice whether or not a free solution must meet a set of objective criteria. Economic criteria (analysis of the full costs of the deployed software), technical (technology, performance, security, usability, mastery of skills, expertise, …) and time (duration of the project and its depreciation, obsolescence of technology .. .) or aspects of national sovereignty (typology, sustainability and community location). “
To build this analytical framework and better disseminate the interdepartmental work will require” a new dedicated interdepartmental governance , whose organization remains to be defined. “The director of the Disic pleads for members belonging to various ministries, and” a work force able to plan and launch targeted action in controlled manner. For this, public employers would agree that contributors of free agents can devote, over time, a significant portion of their work time to work on free software.
The strategy State on free software can no longer depend on volunteerism, altruism and skills of a small circle of enthusiasts. “
Italy and India as examples
Interviewed by NextInpact, says Jacques Marzin
Hopefully the “Disic more prescriptive and directive
terms of editorial policy than it has been so far. “He said
as one of the priorities of the Disic is “getting accessibility
LibreOffice “.
April, promotion association and defense of free software, naturally welcomes this commitment of the State in a statement. Where it points the way to more points . Director Disic who said he was not in favor of a requirement on free software policy “does indeed exist in any state in the world” according to him, however, highlights the association:
– in France, after several battles in Parliament priority to free software was written into law for a public service with the draft education law in July 2013
-. Italy launched in January 2014 a priority to free software in the administration
-. The Government of India published in March 2015 its “policy on the adoption of free software for the Indian government “which promotes the adoption of free software in government organizations as” preferred option “compared to proprietary software
public cloud. servers in France required
publishers of such proprietary software, exactly, obviously not appreciate seeing their threatened positions (think Microsoft among others the controversial contract with the Ministry of Defence, renewed until 2017). They just know via an article in Les Echos, titled “Information: American publishers sidelined by the administration” and published on May 28
The journalist explained about the review. General Repository Interoperability (RGI): “Currently, the state consults with industry on a new version of RGI Main point of tension. The new text excludes OpenXML, a mainly used in office suites Microsoft format, recommends ODF, a format of free software. “
The article quotes Loïc Rivière, CEO of the Afdel who” protested “that” the administration stimulus religious wars, while the coexistence of formats is now a reality accepted by everyone. ” Other subjects of scandal for proprietary software vendors, the possible creation of an in-house state-Mail for a million civil servants, and a call for tenders for a public cloud offering.
This “excluded any actor who would not have servers in France, such as Microsoft, Google or Amazon. But the policy of Jacques Marzin worried even those who are not concerned by recent decisions. ‘I do not like dynamic. Their fight is to block the road to some international actors. One might be concerned, ‘growls a European weight editor “[weight but bravely anonymous, TN].
Obviously, the lobbying is in full swing on the part of publishers. These are not numbers, laboriously provided by the ministries following requests from the MP (New Deal, related EELV) Isabelle Attard, on their IT spending, which will help: it was found that free software is fine and many a source of savings in government. The Ministry of the Interior, then occupied by Manuel Valls, indicated for example in October 2013 that implementation of a free mail in 2008 (Outlook change to Thunderbird) was “five times less expensive over time that a proprietary solution “and the deployment of the fleet management tool” 10 times cheaper than the previous proprietary tool. “
So shout anti-Americanism and nationalism is a possible parade. ? .. will it be sufficient
Read also
India: Administration open source initiates a turn – March 31, 2015
Microsoft Open Bar: free not an option for the Defence – January 23, 2014
Open source at the Interior Ministry: significant savings on several positions – October 17, 2013
Usage of free software in government, a circular and a letter from Jean-Marc Ayrault – September 23, 2012