Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The Court of Auditors points out the excesses of the payroll software soldiers – Les Echos

In mid-January, the defense minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, called him “the crazy software.” Read the latest report from the Court of Auditors on the payment of military pay, the Louvois software has not finished causing disasters. While it was abandoned in 2013 when the Minister, exasperated by the “it’s not my fault” of each other, decided to abandon the software instead of persisting; but the new software “Source balance” is not ready yet. Developed by Sopra Steria Group, Source balance between test phase and will not take over until 2017.

Low improvements

The balance sheet 2015 remains well croquignolesque. The “help balance cell” set up to meet military surprised by their payroll has received 5,000 calls or emails on average per month! 600 people have been dispatched as reinforcements to verify the performance of Louvois, who must calculate the balance of 180,000 soldiers, a wage volume of over 11 billion euros. Each month, soldiers from the Army study between 19,000 and 45,000 potential anomalies before sending them to military pay …

Overall, despite calls to external services, the Court notes that the improvements have been small, with “system errors” always very important, forcing to maintain emergency measures.

to date, the balance between the “overpayment” and the “least-paid” is increasingly wobbly. “Too much” in November 2015 reached a cumulative total of 358 million since 2011 and the “less” is 47 million. And the more time passes, the army will struggle to recover the overpayment.

perilous transition phase

the complexity of salaries and bonuses based on internal or external operations explains these defects, but, once again, the Court recommends simplifying the organizational structure of the administrative services of the army. She worries about the possibility for the new software to “do better”, knowing that there “more than 170 right management rules for compensation” and stresses that the transition is perilous , Source Balance not to start being operational until 2017 at best.

Fully aware of the difficulties, Jean-Yves Le Drian doing what it can to speed things up, especially since the soldiers have never been so sought – which merit pay. With the Sentinel operation, forcing the men to move away from home several times a year for periods of six weeks, and external operations in Iraq and Syria and the Sahel or in Central Africa, about half soldiers have spent more than six months away from home in 2015



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