Sunday, January 17, 2016

Software payment balances: Navy wipe … – The Digital Review


The new software for the payment of balances between military personnel in a qualifying phase from next March. If all goes well, it should be commissioned for the Navy from mid 2017.

From March, the new software “Balance Source” responsible for calculating the balances 250 000 soldiers entering a qualification phase in its basic version in parallel with the use of software Louvois, doomed to disappear.

Status Point

Jean-Yves Le Drian, Defence Minister, made a progress, Friday 15 January. The Minister met with project teams and users, Balard

The qualification is to verify compliance with the requirements of the software administration, before moving to white balance calculation phases -. To From July 2016 – and then balances in double – from February 2017 – with the Navy. Then the second half of 2017, Source Balance must pass – hopefully -. Operational service for marine

In 2018, it will be the operational implementation for the army – it’s the bulk of the workforce – and in 2019, it was the turn of military health service and Air Force

The DGA commands

Source Balance is currently in its implementation phase that occupies 12 engineers from the DGA (General Directorate for Armaments), project management experts on information systems. The DGA assume control responsibility.

Vngt five people in the Human Resources Directorate of the Ministry of Defence (HRD MD), specialists in the art of balance, bring in turn their business knowledge while engineers from the DGA have no functional responsibility.

And there are fifty people Sopra Steria on achieving. The test phase begins in March with the navy with initial commissioning scheduled for the second half of 2017. The stabilization of the system is scheduled for 2020.

Achieving Balance Source software has been attributed to Sopra Steria and its subsidiary HR Software, publisher of a human resources management software HR Access, in April 2015, for a maximum amount of € 128 million over ten years.

A puzzle

The software is a headache to achieve. Its complexity is instructive. It establishes balances of each military from 220 remuneration elements and interfaces with eighteen information systems, including the four information systems human resources of the three services and the health service of armies, each system HR information being independent and with significant differences.

The amount of € 128 million covers the purchase of software licenses, development work and setting, as well as testing and change management, including training of users to the new tool. It also includes commissioning and maintenance and development of the system until 2025. For now, it’s coming out Louvois balances through manual intervention of several hundred people.

Sopra Steria: we take the same and start again

Philippe Vitel, MP Republicans, was surprised in June that ‘include the IT services company Sopra and Steria in the source project Balance of hosts, while the two were related to Louvois project and the civil servants payroll project (ONP or Office National de Paye) who expensively unsuccessful.

This is the HR Access software – again selected for the Source project Balance – HR Software subsidiary of Sopra was to be the heart of civil servants payroll system before the project is stopped by passing 346 million euro write-profiis. Steria and Louvois was the designer and integrator of ONP pays portal. In short, a history that raises concerns.

Sopra contract holder “Source Balance” was then cleared by Caroline Gervais, general engineer of the armament, the DGA driver for the project. “ True, HR Software, a subsidiary of Sopra and publisher of the HR Access software, participated in the project of the ONP. However, the report by Jacques Marzin, director of Disic, do not question HR Access, especially denouncing a project extremely complex and somewhat complicated governance between the different ministries involved, “ she said .

As for the link between Sopra and Steria, both now constituting the SopraSteria society, the contract was awarded to Sopra, she insisted. Steria in the response to the call for tenders was subcontractor of Atos, which had not been retained. Sopra has been the only team with which the DGA treated, the team at Steria never appear, even from the performance.

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